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AchArya Hrdhyam suthram 224
The Sixth Ten Contd.
You but nobody else is my refuge- An impact of extreme devotion.

"AgnAna asakthi yAdhAthmaya gnAnangaL aLavAl anRikkEa anguRREan ennAn puNarAi 
ennumpadi meyyamar bhakthi bhUma balamAgavum ananya gadhithvamudaiya thamkku..."

Summary: It was seen in the earlier posting that AzhwAr declares the Lord as 
the means and also surrenders at His divine feet. Is it becuase AzhwAr does not 
have the knowledge of other means? Or is it beacuse AzhwAr is incapable of 
executing other means? Or is it because AzhwAr does realises that the nature of 
the soul is to surrender unto Him and it does not behove the soul to consider 
other means?

These apart, AzhwAr mentions that " i am a person who has not followed any 
means. Hence, you have to be my means and rescue me. I do not have anyone else 
to salvage me. Please, see to it that I reach your divine feet" is AzhwAr's 
plea. The immense affection and love makes AzhwAr think in these terms. Hence, 
it is to be understood that apart from the facts mentioned above, the effect of 
extreme devotion- migundha bhakthi- makes AzhwAr to think about the Lord 
Almighty and only Him.

"angutREAn allEAn, ingutREAn allEAn, unnaik kANum avAvil vEZhndhu nAn 
engutrEAnum allEAn.." --thiru voi mozhi 5-7-1--> I have neither performed any 
formal means nor have put on efforts to reach You; However, my yearnings and 
longings to meet you is on but without any strength on my part--is AzhwAr's 

"en nAn seigEAn yArEA kaLai kaN, unnAl allAl yAvarAlum, voNRum kuRai vEANdEAn" 
thiru -voi mozhi 5-8-3--> No efforts or credit on my part to reach on my 
part;You are the one to salvage me.

"pUvAr kazhalgaL, aru vinaiyEAn, porundhumARu puNarAyEA" thiru voi mzohi 
You have to lead me to a stage where I reach your divine feet.

"mei amar kAdhal" --> thiru voi mozhi 6-8-2--> This stand by AzhwAr is due to 
extreme devotion apart from other things mentioned hereinabove-mighundha 

(to be continued)
vanamamalai padmanabhan

(to be continued)
vanamamalai padmanabhan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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