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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00117 Feb 2004

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Dear Vishnu & bhAgavatas,
I'll clarify something explicitly, which was always implicit in my 
previous posts.

#1. I never claimed gaudias belong to some 'inferior sampradAyam' 
than us, because they foresake vedic chanting and vedic rituals.

#2. I never claimed that 'somehow being affiliated with vedas/vedic 
practices/vedic rishis' is quintessential to attain mOksha.

It is a matter of definiton - There may be other valid ways to attain 
mOksha, but the point I was making was, you cannot call yourself a 
srI vaishNava brAhman and yet foresake vedic practices. Our 
pUrvAchAryas did not ignore them and some have even performed srauta 
sacrifices like agnishToma.

That bhagavAn is a karuNAmUrti and he will forgive you for your sins 
is a different issue. (Are you accepting that this is a sin after 
all :-) ?)

Kasturi Rangan .K

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