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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00134 Feb 2004

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--- In ramanuja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "amshuman_k" <amshuman_k@xxxx> wrote:
> Dear Vishnu & bhAgavatas,
> I'll clarify something explicitly, which was always implicit in my 
> previous posts.
> #1. I never claimed gaudias belong to some 'inferior sampradAyam' 
> than us, because they foresake vedic chanting and vedic rituals.

Dear Kasturi Rangan,
> #2. I never claimed that 'somehow being affiliated with vedas/vedic 
> practices/vedic rishis' is quintessential to attain mOksha.

Nice to know that.

> It is a matter of definiton - There may be other valid ways to 
> mOksha, but the point I was making was, you cannot call yourself a 
> srI vaishNava brAhman and yet foresake vedic practices. 

We have neither forsaken fully nor asked anyone to forsake. At the 
same time, we have no goal to call ourselves SrIvasihNava brAhmaNas 
by doing certian practices expected you. Hope you have limited the 
point you were making to emails. In real life, majority of the people 
have already forsaken the practices you expect due to non-religious 

> Our 
> pUrvAchAryas did not ignore them and some have even performed 
> srauta 
> sacrifices like agnishToma.

At least I was not referring to so many vEdic practices, ignored or 
adhered to by our AchAryas. I was focussing only on rituals, taking 
sandhyAvandanam as an example. Not all vEdic practices are rituals. 
Also not all rituals are vEdic.

> That bhagavAn is a karuNAmUrti and he will forgive you for your 
> sins 
> is a different issue. 

Agreed it is a different issue.

>(Are you accepting that this is a sin after 
> all :-) ?)

Please read my previous mail.

rAmAnuja dAsan

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