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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00113 Jan 2003

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Dear Smt.Nappinai,
This refers to Message No.4 in Digest Number 414,
entitled, Divya Desa Preface 4, where you have stated
as below:
"PS:"thamar ugandhadhu..." is a justification for
which does not find a place in bAdArAyana's
brahmasUthra. So my dear 
Ramanuja could not defend the "arca" worship(as one of
the five 
manifestations of God) in his commentary on
Your remark is thought-provoking. It strengthens my
belief that temples and idol worship were not in
vogue in times of Vedas, Upanishads or Itihasas.
These appear to be acretions of later periods.
Similarly, mutts do not appear to have existed in
ancient times.Sanyas was pracised in premordial times
and there were hermitages[As'ramas], but no
institutionalised mutts. Monastic order seems to be
the result of Buddhist influence. Traditions assert
that Sankara established mutts to propagate his faith.
All Sri Vaishnava Mutts have been established after
Sri Rmanuja came.
Your well-researched statement gives a clue to the
genius of Hinduism in evolving continuously new
traditions suited to the times and modes. As Kalidasa
Pura'n'am iti eva na sa'dhu sarvam
Na c'a'pi ka'vyam navam iti avadyam
Santah pari'ksya anyatarat bhajante
Mu'dhah para pratyaneya buddhih
[It is not that all that is old is good and all that
is new is bad. The wise appreciate by examining the
issue. The unwise form opinion relying on others'
--- ramanuja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam
> There are 5 messages in this issue.
> Topics in this digest:
> 1. Ramanuja Darshanam Magazine
> From: Mohan Sagar <mmsagar@xxxx>
> 2. Mumukshuppadi - 115
> From: "vtca <vtca@xxxx>"
> <vtca@xxxx>
> 3. Divya Desa - Preface 2
> From: "vaidhehi_nc
> <nappinnai_nc@xxxx>" <nappinnai_nc@xxxx>
> 4. Re: Divya Desa - Preface 2
> From: "vaidhehi_nc
> <nappinnai_nc@xxxx>" <nappinnai_nc@xxxx>
> 5. Nangoor Garuda Sevai
> From: Guna Venkat <gunsee@xxxx>
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 23:12:51 -0700
> From: Mohan Sagar <mmsagar@xxxx>
> Subject: Ramanuja Darshanam Magazine
> Respected Devotees,
> On this auspicious occasion of Makara
> Sankranthi/Pongal, I am blessed
> to announce the start of a new magazine, Ramanuja
> Darshanam (the
> Philosophy of Ramanuja), a publication of Vedics,
> Inc., which is now
> available online at:
> Ramanuja Darshanam a quarterly magazine dedicated to
> providing a
> straightforward and practical approach to
> understanding and following
> the Eternal Truths of the Vedas as were revealed to
> us by Bhagavad Sri
> Ramanuja. With Sri Ramanuja's Grace, several
> erudite scholars and
> sincere lay followers are contributing regularly in
> order to provide a
> broad perspective on the rich culture, tradition,
> temples, and
> philosophy that form Sri Ramanuja Darshanam (Sri
> Ramanuja's Vision).
> Regular features of this magazine will include a
> featured Divya Desham
> (one of 108 Sacred Temples that the Sri Vaishnavas
> revere), stories
> recounting the lives and contributions of the
> Azhvars (Mystical Saints)
> and Acharyas (Spiritual Teachers), Great Sri
> Vaishnava Works, a Question
> and Answer Section, and Moral Stories that can be
> appreciated by
> children and adults alike. The magazine will also
> include a Sri
> Vaishnava calendar, a featured web site, articles on
> contemporary events
> and the devotees who are making them happen, and
> occasionally, a few
> tips on how to live the Sri Vaishnava way in this
> modern and ever
> changing world. The cover of each issue will be
> dedicated to the utsava
> vigraham (processional image) of Bhagavad Sri
> Ramanuja from a particular
> divya dEsham.
> We welcome all of you to enjoy the beautiful
> photographs and informative
> articles contained in this inaugural issue at the
> web site mentioned
> above. Also, please be watching for paper copies of
> Ramanuja Darshanam
> at your local temple. Your comments and suggestions
> are most welcome.
> Please feel free to contact the magazine staff at:
> ramanuja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> On behalf of the Vedics Board of Directors, the
> volunteer staff of
> Ramanuja Darshanam Magazine, and the members and
> supporters of Vedics,
> Inc.,
> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsanu dAsan
> Mohan R Sagar
> Editor, Ramanuja Darshanam
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 02:35:53 -0000
> From: "vtca <vtca@xxxx>" <vtca@xxxx>
> Subject: Mumukshuppadi - 115
> Sri:
> Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:
> Dear bhAgavatas,
> adiyEn's praNams. With the 115th sutra in
> Mumukshuppadi,
> the Thirumantra prakaraNam is completed. It has been
> a
> phenomenal journey for me studying this work and
> making
> a weak attempt at translating the great meanings in
> it.
> I hope it has been useful for some of you as well.
> With
> this, adiyEn would like to take a small break of
> about
> a week or two with your permission. I would like to 
> request that, those who have been reading this
> series
> kindly take the time to re-read the meanings as
> there
> is a treasure trove of information in these sutras.
> The work thus far can be read at
> In addition, I have loaded the original text of
> Mumukshuppadi
> in tamil font at
> The next prakaraNam is Dvaya PrakaraNam. If
> Thirumantram is
> mantra rAjam, Dvayam is mantra ratnam. Therefore, we
> still
> have a grand treasure waiting in front of us. adiyEn
> looks
> forward to starting that translation in the next few
> days.
> apacArAnimAn sarvAn kshamasva purushOttama
> adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan
> --
> Sri Pillai Lokacharya's
> Mumukshuppadi
> Sutra:
> 115. Agath thirumanthraththAl, emperumAnukkE
> uriyEnAna nAn 
> enakku uriyananRikkEyozhiya vENum; SarvasEshiyAna 
> nArAyaNanukkE ellA adimaikaLum seyyap peRuvEnAga 
> veNumenRathAyiRRu.
> Meaning:
> Thus, through the Thirumantra it is said that I who
> have 
> servitude only to the Lord should avoid being
> enslaved to 
> myself; I should gain doing every kind of service to
> Sriman
> Narayana who is the svAmi and natural recepient of
> this 
> service.
> Sri PBA Swami's Sarartha Deepikai:
> Thus, the meanings of the Thirumantra are
> established.
> Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Saranam
> Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam
> adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan
> TCA Venkatesan
> Mumukshuppadi Sarartha Deepikai Series:
> Message: 3
=== message truncated ===

T. C. A Srinivasaramanujan
Email: tcasr@xxxx

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