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Srimathe Ramanujaya nama:
Dear KK,
We can have misunderstanding even in direct communication let 
alone email communication. Glad that you replied to clarify:-)

> 1. Most of the doubts will vanish with Lord's Krpaa & (right 
> association (sat-sangam/bhaagavata sangam??) is required for that 
> though.

True. It applies in academics too! If I have a doubt in Fluid 
dynamics I have to ask a guy who is "fairly" good at it,I can't ask a 
computer dude to clarify my doubts:-) This basic principle applies to 
each and evry aspect of life.

> 2. The chatur-vedas in sanskrit are actually not all that 
> important :)!!! We have to accept them only to the extent that it 
> doesn't contradict our VishishThadvaita philosophy or prabandham.

You have misunderstood my intent. I'm not yet comfortable 
with AcArya Hrdhayam as I'm with Sri Vacana BhUShaNam. So,I can't 
quote off-handedly. Sri Azhagiya maNavALa perumAL nAyanAr very 
clearly talks about this and I'll quote it tomorrow(as I don't have 
the book with me right now). To say the truth,in my house we give 
superior importance to NDP and infact my father cribs that 24 hrs is 
not enough for NDP. BTW,interpretations can not be done according to 
one's whims and fancies. It again depends on one's 
mental/intellectual skills plus one should strictly restrict oneslef 
to the subject matter concerned. I have heard that Adi Shankara 
goes "out of" shruti to interpret shruti. That's how apaswaram enters 
the scene.

> 3. The reason for Vedas are actually to inculcate 
> daasatvam/seshatvam. Since shudras & women already have it, they 
> don't need to study Vedas.

True(60-70%) according to me. This is the explanation 
given by Sriman Lakshmi Narasimhan. It makes sense but how is it 
valid in current day world? We come across feminists and other 
females who fight for equal rights with men! Anyway I don't belong to 
this group. As you said we can discuss this further! I do not know 
how to generalise this. But I have seen lot of people belonging to 
the last varNa,have more "vinayam" than people belonging to the first 
three varNas. Infact I used to hate brahmins for not paying/treating 
them properly. Later I realized that they can't be blamed either for 
they have been fostered by their parents with wrong vedic knowledge. 
I would safely say that still majority(atleast 60%) of women and 
sudras have this trait and I doubt about the first three varNas. You 
express your views along these lines and I will try to catch up with 

In this age,we see lot of divorces happening(in indian 
community)due to the "low" tolerance level,ego problem because women 
are getting financially independent as men are. So there are various 
causes that can be attributed to negate #3. What I feel is that 
whatever discrepanicies we see now in women,sudras or community as 
such is a phase and it will automatically come back to its 
equilibrium state. Mind you,I am ZERO in vedas as well as NDP. Don't 
question me on technicalities. Just like you,I have lot of doubts in 
vedas and I have written them down on a piece of paper and when I see 
Sri Chinna Jeeyar,I'm going to request him to clarify my doubts. 

You ask fundamental questions! The basic difference between 
men and women. Even under the assumption that women are feminists,if 
two women are put together they will somehow know about each other's 
family story in brief. Where as two men would talk about every thing 
other than family. I don't want to generalize this but I have noticed 
this with my own eyes and ears many many many times. I used to wonder 
how God has made the two species different! Leaving aside the vedas, 
why there are no women experts in most of the fields??? You will see 
couple of women in English literature,one female scientist like 
Madame Curie. This world has not produced any women philospher. If I 
remember, Srirangam SribhAShyam Narasimhachar swami said that 
Ramanuja says in SBh commentary that women don't have the inherent 
desire to learn. According to me,this is true to a great extent!

> we can safely eliminate #1, as I am a "lost soul" without Lord's 
> mercy :)

This alone should increase your level of faith:-) So,is your slip in 
faith due to reading some vedic books alone or association with some 
atheists and agnostics or something different? I have lot of friends 
who are atheists and agnostics. Couple of atheists have changed their 
views wrt God after some heated discussions. So let me ask you a 
simple question if you don't mind! What is your level of faith at 
present?:-) Are you a true atheist,or true agnostic or a theist with 
some confused thoughts/doubts in mind? You can also send mails to 

Best Regards
AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE sharaNam
NC Nappinnai

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