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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha
srImadh varavara munayE namah

Dear Smt Sumitra,

I would like to concur with the views of Sri Sundarrajan swamy. That is
actually what I heard in the upanyAsams. May be you can throw further light
on it.

AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam
adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan
Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh

<sundar@xxxx To: <ramanuja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,   >< > <oppiliappan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>              
07-06-02 Subject: Re: [ramanuja] Thirumaalai-13     
09:59 AM              
respond to              

SrimathE RaAmAnujAya Namaha
AzhwAr EmperumAnAr JeEyar TiruvadigalE Saranam
Dear Smt.Sumitra Varadharajan,

It had been a real pleasure reading your outpouring on Thondaradipodi
azhwar's TirumAlai pasurams. Kindly continue your propogation on Hari Nama
Sankeertanam. I have a few doubts in this mail.

1. pAdiyum urangi pogum : Does here azhwar says that "mankind sleep for
12 hours" or since during those days there were no electric lights, he
refers to the "night portion of 12 hours which is dark" as urangi pogum.

2. If we can align the words as "padiyum urangi pogum", "nindradil"
"padinayandu pedhai balaghadanagum", "piNi pasi moopu thunbam", it makes
more clear. "padiyum urangi pogum" means 50 % (years) portion goes in
dark, "nindradil" means out of the balance, "padinayandu pedhai
balaghadanagum" means 15 years goes in innocent and ignorant childhood,
"piNi pasi mooppu thunbam" means rest of life goes in sickness, hungry
(time to eat), old age inability, samsAric worries.

I am just supplementing your thoughts and kindly pardon and correct me for
any incorrect understanding.

NamO nArAyanA

G. Sundarrajan
PT. Aneka Kimia Raya Tbk
Wisma AKR, Jalan Panjang No.5,
Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530
Tel : 62-21-5311110 Extn : 898
Fax : 62-21-5311388
Mobile : 0811193742
----- Original Message -----
From: sumithra varadarajan
To: oppiliappan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; ramanuja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 11:39 PM
Subject: [ramanuja] Thirumaalai-13

Sri Parthasarathi thunai,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns
= "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

" Mattrondrum vEinda Maname Madhilarangar
Kattrinum meitha kazhalinai keezh- uttra
Thirumaalai paadum seer Thondaradipodi Emperumaanai
Eppozhudum peesu"

" Srimat Krishna samahvaya Namo yaamuna soonave
yetkadAkshai kalakshyAnAm sulabha: Sridara: sadaa"

"vEdanool prAyam Nooru manisarthAm puguvarElum
pAdiyum orangipOgum nindradil padinaiyandu
pEdhai bAlagan aDagum pini pasi moopu tunbam
AdalAl piravi vEndEn arangamAnagarulane"

Let us now proceed to see the divine meanings in the third paasuram.
Alwar in the earlier paasurams explained the importance of nAma
sankeertanam and said that he will not even accept moksha granted to him
since he preferred to stay in Srirangam and do nAma keertanam. Now in
this paasuram alwar remembers are the difficulties in this world and says
I don't want birth again. Sri PVP's vyakhyanam to this paasuram is

vEdanool prAyam Nooru manisarthAm puguvarElum: According to the vedas a
normal human age is determined to be hundred. "sadAyurvai purusha:" says
the vedas. Actually hundred years has been said for a jidendriyan who had
full control of his senses but then for a commoner the life is even more
less. Hundred or less a man's lifetime is only Alpa ayusu when compared
to the life of the mountains or the ocean which lives for decades
together. Our life span is not decided by us instead our fate and the
bhagavan's sankalpam determines it. Here alwar says how our lifetime is
spent. Even though we have the full span as mentioned in the vedas half
of it is wasted. How?

pAdiyum orangipOgum nindradil padinaiyandu: Out of the 24 hours available
in the day we sleep almost 12 hours. Though only 8 hours is recommended
for any human body we enjoy sleeping more. So half of our lifetime goes
in sleeping and hence only fifty years we are awake. Andal in thiruppAvai
says "kumbakarananum thotrum vunakke peruntuyil thAn thanthAnO".
Kumbakaranan Ravana's brother used to sleep for 6 months together and when
he woke up he spent the rest of the 6 months eating. Here andal mocks at
one of the gopi, who was still sleeping when all others were awake and
waiting in her doorsteps. Andal here says to that gopi "probably u and
kumbakaranan had a context to determine who sleeps more and probably you
won and that is why kumbakaranan gave his sleep also to you and that is
why you are sleeping still". Then nAchiyAr continues to say "kEsavanai
pAdavum nE kEtE kidaththinO" Inspite of we singing the praise of the lord
kEsavan how can you still sleep? That is our bhakhyam we are all blessed
with only sleep always and hence we refrain even from bhagavat vishayam.
So we loose half our life sleeping. Then what do we do with the rest of
our lifetime?

pEdhai bAlagan aDagum pini pasi moopu tunbam: In the rest of our life the
first fifteen is spent in innocence. Initially we do not even know to
feed ourselves or clean ourselves everything has to been done only by our
parents. Then we slowly come to know about the worldly affairs. When we
are kids our main concentration is in playing(bAlastaave kreedhasaktha:).
Then at the age of 20 or 25 we are more concerned with earning a living
and hence not bothered about bhagavat vishayam. Now that we are somewhat
settled in a job, we get married and then have kids. All are over and now
when we grow old and want to go to bhagavat vishayam our body doesn't give
room for it. When our eyes were able to see we were not prepared to go
and have darshan of bhagavan but now our eyes have lost their power.
Similarly our ears, legs and the whole body has become weak due to the
age. We fall sick quite often. Summarising, we spend fifty years of our
lifespan sleeping, then in the rest fifty years partly we spent as kids
then in search of money and matter and then enjoying the togetherness in a
family and finally now we have grown old. So the life now is filled with
pini(disease), pasi(hunger) moopu(old age) and tunbam(suffering). So what
do we really achieve?

AdalAl piravi vEndEn arangamAnagarulane: So alwar now says I hence do not
want such a life which is worth for nothing. It is always filled only
with miseries. Alwar in each of his paasuram refers to the lord who stays
in SriRangam as arangamAnagarulane and tells his views to him.

So a doubt now arises. In the previous paasuram alwar said that he didn't
want to go to moksha and now he says he doesn't want to live in this
world, filled with miseries then what does alwar want? For this question
Sri PVP gives an excellent vyakhyanam, let us see it in the next posting.

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasyai
Sumithra Varadarajan

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