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Sri Parthasarathi thunai,

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha


? Mattrondrum vEinda Maname Madhilarangar

  Kattrinum meitha kazhalinai keezh- uttra

  Thirumaalai paadum seer Thondaradipodi Emperumaanai

  Eppozhudum peesu?


? Srimat Krishna samahvaya Namo yaamuna soonave

  yetkadAkshai kalakshyAnAm sulabha: Sridara: sadaa?




 Sri Thondaradipodi alwar, who in the fourth paasuram talked about roopa dyanam not being a anga of nAma keertanam now in the next paasuram proceeds to establish the vaishnava philosophy.  Even periyazhvar in his paasuram advices all of us to keep the nAma of bhagavan to our kids.  Thereby we call the names of bhagavan quite often.  Alwar says, even though we intentionally do not call bhagavan still he gives the palan. He says ?malamudai ooththayil pirandha oru malaooththaikku GovindA endru pErittu azhaithakkAl nAranan than annai naragam pughAl?(Even if you name your son ?Govinda? you become the mother of the lord by the nAma govinda and hence the mother of the lord will never go to narakam).


If we have to prove that our views are right it is common that we have to disprove the other views.  Similarly alwar before establishing vaishnava philosophy he indulges in disproving all the other philosophies which had their prominence during alwar?s time.  First alwar says the demerits of the other philosophies and then goes to explain the superiority of vaishnava philosophy.  Sri PVP in his vyakhyanam gives a small hint about the various philosophies condemned by alwar.  In Ramanyana, when vibheshana came to surrender to Sri Ramachandra moorthi, the people in Rama?s side like sugreeva and others said that due to various reasons vibheshana should not be accepted.  Sri Rama listened to all the views and finally criticized the view points(without criticizing the persons who came out  with it) and finally said that he had decided to accept the saranAgathan-vibheshanazhvan.  Hereto Sri Rama first didn?t say his opinion instead he gave reasons against the other?s views and then only gave out his own view.  Even Veda Vyasa in his Sariraka Mimamsa(chap 2) refutes all other philosophies like sankya matham etc before establishing vaishnava matham.  We may get a doubt that why is it essential to condemn other philosophies when our main aim is to establish our own philosophy.  The first reason is only when one looses prominence the other can get into the minds of the people and the main reason being that if we be quiet and careless the other philosophies will invade us.  If weeds come in between the cultivated crops will a farmer keep quiet?  If he does, then the cultivativation will end futile because the nutrients will be taken by the unwanted weeds.  Similarly, if we leave the other philosophies in between our philosophy(cultivated crop) then the weeds will gain prominence and spoils the crop.  That is why our azhvars and acharyas condemned the other philosophies and concentrated on establishing our vaishnava philosophy which will take us all to moksham and saved us from the other philosophies which will confuse and distract us from the facts.


The first and foremost matham which was condemned by alwar was LokAyatha matham.  The people following this philosophy are indifferent to bhagavan and bhagavat vishayam.  They don?t believe in god and they confuse people with their own theologies.  They say that they will believe only whatever they see and that only this birth is true.  They don?t believe in papam or punyam or rebirth.  They say as long as we are enjoying all the luxuries in this world, the world itself is svargam and when we face the miseries it becomes narakam.  So they do anything to make the world svargam to them. 


We will see how alwar condemns this philosophy in the next posting.


AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasyai

Sumithra Varadarajan


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