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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00035 Mar 2003

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Hurdles spring up in the way of even good souls. 'srEyAmsi bahU vignAni'. 
Hence, hurdle-less study of sAsthrangaL should be achieved.

The mind which is not stable should be channelised into the learning of 
sAsthram-s thoroughly.

Hence, The Lord blessed us with thriumandhiram as the aforementioned 
for learning sAsthram-s are indeed very difficult to master.

vEdha sAra upanishadh - The first part of vEdham which deals with rituals is 
aimed at small temporary and material benefits. The latter part namely 
upanishadh emphasises on The Lord, the means to reach Him, the features on 
salvation etc. Hence, this part is termed as vEdha sAra upanishadh.

sAra thara anuvAgam- Overtaking the general nature of the above, anuvAgam 
distinguishes between the general names like sivan and sambu and clearly 
establishes the supremacy of nAryaNA in nArayaNa anuvaAgam.

sAra thama gAyathri- Overtaking even the above, those mandhirangaL which 
express the Lord's antharyAmithvam-omnipresent nature- are superior to those 
which do not so express this nature. Of these, the three mandhirangaL which 
express vishNu, vAsudhEvan, nArAyaNan are termed as vishNu gAyathri .

Of these three mandhirangaL, the prime term 'nArAyaNA' being the essence of all 
the four vEdham-s, idhihAsam-s is the crux of thirumandhiram. How did the Lord 
extract this essence from the vEdham-s?

In the form of a. dheiva vaNdu- dheiva vAndAi; b. annamAi; c; nAlvEdhak kadalil 
amudham koNdavan.

Similar to the vaNdu which extracts the nectar from the flowers, the Lord 
extracts the ultimate from the vEdham-s.

Similar to annam which separates milk and water, the Lord extracts the praNavam 
like the milk which can be easily consumed by one and all.

Similar to extracting amudham from the Ocean, the Lord, gave this deep essence 
of the vEdham from the ocean of vEdha-s.

Hence,with the sole intention of rescuing the souls, the Lord taking the form 
of AchAryan and also the form of disciple as nara-nArAyaNan bestowed this 
sacred mandhiram in the great dhivya dhEsam "vadhari" -badhrinAth.
vAnamAmalai padmanAbhan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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