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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00124 Oct 2002

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5) The most endearing one with the hue of a beautiful atasI flower :

Not only His heart, but He Himself is the most tender & endearing one like a 
delicate & pleasant atasI flower. He cannot imagine a suffering being caused to 
anyone. He cannot act in a manner which can cause the slightest harm to anyone. 
He shares all our sufferings and feels that they are His own. Lord Sri Rama, 
who was the personification of compassion, the most endearing one both at heart 
and in looks, used to cry on seeing the sufferings of all His people.

6) svAmi (Lord) :

He protects all of us like His own property; as His most precious possessions.

7) The impartial & righteous one : 

He gives cent percent justice to all. If anyone of us is troubled at anytime, 
it is not due to His lack of love for us. It is because of His pure impartial 
nature in judging our wrongs and rights. He has the immense responsibility of 
protecting the dharmA (His system of justice) and He follows it to the core. He 
has to and He does punish the wrongdoer to safeguard the system. But, there 
also His love dominates. He makes sure that the punishment results in our 
ultimate good only. He is compassionate to the core. If we were to be given the 
real fruits of our continuous bad deeds, there will be no reprieve for us. He 
keeps searching for the little good we do and gives great benefits and 
encouragement to us. 

So, He is the purest one by all means in all ways. - Purest in righteousness, 
Purest in Love, Purest (100%) in every divine quality. Infact all the divine 
qualities get defined completely defined at His level and those that we see in 
different beings on this earth are but a minute percentage of His qualities.

8) The Lord of the celestials (nitya sUrIs) : In order to educate us clearly 
about the dharma and adharma (path of righteousness and unrighteousness), He is 
sending the nitya sUrIs as our ALwArs and AchAryAs. They are never against His 
will and they worship Him as their supreme Lord. He is strongly willing to 
correct all our faults.

9) The unparalled one : He is the unparalled well-wisher of all of us.

10) The distant one : He is totally out of the reach of the impure and the 
wicked thoughts/actions.

11) Though He is only one, He is sweet and enjoyable one to His devotees :

By showing them His divine and auspicious qualities, He transforms them and 
pulls them out of the realm of selfish, wicked & impure worldly ways.

12) Our father : Though He has the unconditional love of our mother (who does 
priyam to us), He does hitam (that which is good to us in all ways) to us as 
our father. This is the highest form of Love. From whom else other than our 
father, can we expect such a pure Love.

13) Our Lord who reclines in TiruvaLLUr :

He waits patiently for all of us in the divya dESham of TiruvaLLUr. He hopes 
that one day we will come to Him. He is waiting there and is longing to see us 
from the time immemorial. We should go there and make our dearest Lord happy. 
Isn't it?

O Purest of the Pure in every sense, You are the one and only pUtAtmA.

Jai Sriman Narayana

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