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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00035 Oct 2003

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Please accept our Humble Pranam.

By the Grace of LORD and Acharyas, Jetusa and Vedics are
blessed to celebrate Mamunigal TN - Nov. 1st at W-DC.
We hope you, your family and friends can participate, 
Please register at:

Accomodations, Transportation in the DC area will be provided by 
local devotees in Washington DC area.

31st October Friday: Evening
8:00 pm to 9:30 pm - Reception & Registration
Casual Get together, dinner; get to know other devotees, Setup the 
Posters etc.

1st November Saturday: Morning
At the temple: 7:00 am ? 7:30 am suprabhAtham

Preist Start Sthala Shuddhi: 
Thirumanjanam (Perumal Thayar and AzhvAr/AchAryAs)
Purusha Suktam, Sri Suktam, Tattreya Upanisad
Neerattam, Kattiyam (for the DC perumal )
alankAram & thomala seva. (For Perumal & Acharyas)
thiruppallANdu, thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai 
poochoottal, kAppidal, Thiruppavai, amalanAdhipirAn, 
mantra pushpam, archanai, sARRumurai and thIrtham/saTAri.

Travel to Auditorium by 9AM 
Perumal, AzhvAr/AchAryAs enter manTapam
Siria Thirumadal in fornt and taittirIya upanishad 
recititation to follow behind

9:15 AM:
Prasadam 20 Mins
Bhajans ? led by Devotees 10 Mins 

9:45 AM 
pArAyaNam Starts
AzhvAr/AchAryAs parivattam, AzhvAr/AchArya thaniyans,
Thriupallandu, Thirupalliyezhichi, Thiruppavai
upadEsa rattinamAlai, Yathiraja Vimsathi SARRumuRai, thIrtham/satAri

11:30 to 12:15 - Prasadam

12:20 to 1:30 - Welcome and respects to AchAryAs - 
Sri. Ravi Aharam (Welcome Speech) - 5 min
________ (JET USA and their Services) - 7 min
Sri. MV Pattangi (Vedics & Kainakriyams) - 7 min

1:30 pm to 2:00 pm MamunigaL and Acharya Parampara
Talk on ? MamunigaL - 20 Mins.
Talk on Our Acharyas & GuruParampara - 10 mins.

2:00 pm to 2:05 pm One Bhajan, One Song 

2:10 pm to 3:00 pm 
rAmAnuja? the social reformer and our saviour - 20 Mins
Q&A Period (On Ramanuja & Mamunigal) - 20 Mins

3:00 pm to 3:10 pm Chanting few pasurams Form URM & 
Yathiraja Vimsathi (By devotees)

3:10 pm to 4:00 pm Slide show on Our Dhivya Desams - 20 Mins
Current Status and Kanikariyams - 20 Mins

4:00 pm to 4:30 pm 
Swami Pillai Lokachar ? 20 Mins
Q&A Period (On Pillai Likachar & our Acharyas) - 10 Mins

4:40 to 5:30 PM Panel Discussions/ Q&A sessions

SampradAyam today ? relevance, practicality - 25 Mins.
vEdic religion, importance of AchAryAs - 25 Mins.

5:30 pm to 6:00 pm 
Mudal Azhvars ? 20 Mins
Q&A Period (Azhvar & Acharyas) - 10 Mins

6:00 pm to 6:30 pm Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Chanting.

6:30 to 7:00 PM Open Moderated Discussions/ Q&A sessions

SampradAyam today ? Issues, Solutions & practicality - 30 Mins.

7:00 PM : Conclusion/ Vote of Appreciation, 
Azhvar Acharya Sambhavanai.

7:20 pm - Lord & Acharyas porappadu back to Temple, Sayana Ustavam 
8:00 pm - Perumal Prasadam (Dinner)

Ramanuja Adiyargal

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