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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00081 Oct 2003

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Dear Bhagavatars, some of us seem to be missing the point on this discussion
on the Vedas and the Supremacy of Narayana. No one is doubting the
"supremacy" of Narayana - seeing that Narayana means the "ground of all
being" - therefore the name in itself is self-evidently absolute. The
problem arises when we enter into this Puranic discussion about who is
supreme - like debating who is the president is it A or is it B. The Vedas
declare "khalvidam brahma" "sarvam vai rudra", "tvameva (ganesha) sarvam
khalvidam brahmasi", "narayana evedagam sarvam". So by a process of logic if
A = X, B = X, C = X and D = X then the relationship between A,B,C,D must be
identical. This is then supported by the Ghataka sruti = "ekam sat vipra
bahudha vadanti" - the Truth is ONE but the wise describe is differently.

If we regard Narayana as a person who is different to Siva, Ganesha, Brahma
and that they are all contenders for the throne then we are divided into
different camps with different agendas and end up fighting and dirt raking
like a presidential election! When we understand that the Vedas repeatedly
say the trimurti comes from Narayana, and then the same trimurty comes from
Siva, Ganesha etc, we come to a non sectarian conclusion that they are all
aspects of the one Supreme Being, different forms of the same energy. We as
vaishnavas have a personal subjective bias towards Vishnu, but let us not
deny the validity of the Saivite or Ganapatya or Sakta approach. Let us
simply accept what Krishna has said in the Gita - that he accepts all people
in whatever way they wish to take refuge in Him, be it as Siva, Ganesha,
Sakti Brahma or as Vishnu.

The truth of Rig veda is that the majority of suktas are indeed addressed
to Indra and Agni, and only 3 or 4 to Vishnu, Narayana does not get a
mention. So let us not get carried away by fundamentalism and dogmatism. Let
us treasure our sampradaya and also respect and accept the sampradaya of
others. Let us pursue the path of unity in diversity which to me is the true
message of the Vedas.

Sri Ram 

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