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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00107 Oct 2005

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Jai Shri Krishna
I total agree with the previous Bhakth sometimes Gaudiyas seem to simlify Srivaishanavism in the light of their own Doctrines and Beleifs.   Now as aldready said, The Sampradaya of Ramanuja is so inclusive and respectful that even Adi Shankaracharaya is given respect, therefore i have respect for other Sampradayas, in particular the Gaudiyas, here in the UK they do so much to spread Bhakthi, it was the Gaudiyas who told me about how Bonafide Ramanuja Sampradaya is. And they have done much to encourage my Bhakthi (which is no leaning to Visitadvaita sidhanta and Ramanuja sampradaya)  However i must point out some of the comments and views which about Sri Ramanuja and Sri sampradaya which i dont agree with. 
1) With regards to the whole issue of Rasa and moods of Bhakthi (rasas/bhavas)..There is Shanta (neutral i.e cows and trees of Vrindavan),  Dasya (serventship i.e Hanuman), Sakhya (friendship i.e Arguna), Vatsalya (parental love i.e Kausalya, Yashoda) and finaly Madurya/Sringara (romance i.e. Gopis). Now the Gaudiyas emphasise the Sringara/Madurya bhav and the Pushtimarg the Vatsalya, these two moods are seen as 'higher rasas' in their respective sidhantas and they mainly worship the Images of the lord which are Madurya (sweetness) which are associated with this type of Bhakthi, so Radha-Krishna and Bala Krishna.. Now in Sri sapradaya the popular Sri vighrahas are Bhagavan in 'aishwarya'  (majestic and grand) forms such as Ranganatha, Srinivasa and Devraja Perumal where the lord is worshiped with Sri, Bhu, Rukmani etc.... the gaudiyas and Vallabhas however claim that sri Vaishanava bhakthi is only Dasya Rasa (servitorship) and that Ramanuja only spread Dasya Bhava, this is however a misunderstanding..from Thrirupavai  we know that Sri Goda Devi Andal was in the mood of the Gopis, her Bhakthi is Prime example of Madurya Bhakthi.which Gaudiyas talk about. Then her father Sri Vishnuchitta Alawar wrote many hyms (i do not know the names) where he sang in the vioce of Yashoda, recalling the lilas of BalaKrishna in great detail,  these Beautiful verses are charged with Vatsalya Bhakthi which the Pushtimarg talk about..The Pushtimarg say that the Bhakthi they teach is 'Pushti bhakthi' or spontanous love and not 'Maryada Bhakthi' which is ritualistic...This howvere is the same as The docrine of Prapatti which is in Srivaishanva Sidhanta always teaches and Pustimarg should not ignore this. 
2) Another issue which i have encountred with Gaudiyas is the exclusive position they give to Hare Krishna maha mantra..Now i don not disrespect this Mantra in any way, i sing Hare Krishna sankeertan in my bhajans everyday. But what i have encountered is that the Gaudiyas say that this is the only  mantra for the Kali yuga.. now the Bhagavatam says that in the Kali yuga the main dharma is Hari-nam chating the names of the lord, this does not just mean the hare Krishna mantra, this also means the Ashtakshari Maha mantra which Ramanuja Spread to all people..I recently spoke to two Gaudiya Bhakthas about increasing bhakthi in my daily life and we came onto the topic of Harinam Chanting, i told them that i am daily chating the Namo Narayanaya, ashtakashari maha mantra as per the instruction of Sri Ramanuja.  However one Gaudiya bhaktha told me that it would be better that i chant Hare Krishna , he told me that all mantras including Sri Ashtaksari are included in the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. I did not agree with this coment. Know in my porsonal opinion Hari nam is Hari nam, whether you chant Namo NArayanaya, Hare Krishna, Sri Rama or Sri Krishna sharanmama, these are all divya-mangala nama-mantras of Our lord. In this Kali yuga people are not chanting any name of the lord or they foolishly chat the name of false-bogus self proclaimed gods such as Saibaba..So for me Hare Krishna and ashtaksari are on the same level, but i chant Ashtaksari as it was done by Ramanuja..
All devottees of the Lord should leave aside differences in this day and age and work togther to enlighten the world.  They should not write things which disrespect other Vaishanvas!!

azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam

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