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SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha //
SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha //
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya//
KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: /
SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm//
SRI RANGA SRI VOL.07 / ISSUE # 18 dated 27th December 2005
kanaiththiLam kaRRerumai
kanaiththiLam kaRRerumai
So far, 194 Regular issues of SRS have been released apart from Special 
27 Issues of Vol. 1
15 Issues of Vol. 2
42 Issues of Vol. 3
35 Issues of Vol. 4
28 Issues of Vol. 5
30 Issues of Vol. 6 and
17 Issues of Vol. 7
kanaiththiLam kaRRerumai
Tiruppavai 12
kanaiththiLam kaRRerumai

kanaiththu iLaNG kaRRerumai kanRukku iraNGki *
ninaiththu mulai vazhiyE ninRu paal cOra *
nanaiththu illam cERaakkum naR celvan thaNGkaay *
panith thalai vIzha nin vaacaR katai paRRic *
cinaththinaal thennilaNGkaik kOmaanaic ceRRa *
manaththukku iniyaanaip paatavum nI vaay thiRavaay *
iniththaan ezhun^thiraay Ithenna pEruRakkam *
anaiththu illaththaarum aRin^thu ElOr empaavaay.
This Paasuram is said to be a ?wake up call? to one who is like Poigai 
?       He said ?pazhudE pal pagalum pOyina enRu anji azhudEn?
?I shed tears uncontrollably on having lost many a day without thinking of 
the Lord?.
?       May be the tears were generated by the overflow of emotion in the 
guNaanubhavam of the Lord. However it is, the fact remains that his tears 
(of joy or sorrow) made the ground slushy.
?       We should remember that he appeared in a pond (poigai). No wonder, it 
?       Some hold that the wake up call is for a gOpi an younger sister of a 
friend and antaranga Sishya of KrishnNa.

kanaiththu  iLam kaRRu erumai: buffaloes crying for the young calves
?       Sridhaaman prioritized antaranga kainkaryam (private service) to the 
and so postponed doing Nityakarmas ordained in the Saastras.
?       He did not give up due to laziness (aalaasyam)!
?       This takes us to the topic on ?Ajnaa kainkaryam? and ?Anujnaa 
?       While the Nitya and Naimittika karmas like Sandhyavandanam are to be 
as the very commands of the Lord and cannot be given up under any 
circumstances lest paapam should accrue, the anujnaa kainkaryam like 
offering flowers to temples, decorating the temple precincts, lighting lamps 
etc are done out of interest and NOT as commands. Not doing them will not 
entail in any sin but are done for the pleasure of the Lord and would result 
in puNyam.
?       If one is not able to perform Sandhya on any day for some reason, the 
arrears have to be pulled up at the next occasion with the praayaschitta 
Sankalpam ?PoorvEdhyu: ananushTitam praatah/ maadhyahnika/saayam sandhyaam 
adhya aham upaasishyE?.
?       Another saying says ?kaaNaamal, kONaamal, kaNDu koDu? meaning that the 
Praatah Sandya, Madhyahnikam and Saayam Sandhyaa should be done immediately 
before Sunrise, when the Sun is at the zenith and again just before Sunset 
respectively. If this is not possible, one should adopt the praayschitta 
Sankalpam and pull up arrears.
?       The bottom line is that they cannot be skipped under any circumstances.
?       It would appear that when a father asked his son whether the latter had 
done his nitykarma, the son replied that he had forgotten the mantras and 
requested his father to teach him.
To this, the father commented:
?How can you forget so soon after your Upanayanam? Do you know when I got my 
Upanayanam? It was some 40 years back. How do you expect me to remember??
This shows how the parents themselves have lost their moorings in learning 
and observing the essential karmas ordained in the Saastras and therefore 
forfeited their right to discipline their children!
?       Another case where for a similar query of a father, the son replied 
he had performed Sandhya at the ?Vaaikkaal? running at the backyard of their 
house. (In the villages, people used to perform their nityakarmas in the 
running waters in the rivulet in the backyards of their houses). When the 
father told him that due to drought there was no water running in the 
rivulet, the son replied ?My friend in the next house told me that there was 
water!? Non-performance compounded with a falsehood were thus betrayed! 
(Kritya akaraNam and akritya karaNam)
?       It is never too late to return to the mainstream and resume. For the 
who heads in the wrong direction, God allows a ?U? turn! Let the parents who 
have forgotten start learning to do Sandhyavandanam at least NOW!
?       Azhagiya singhar used to say that OT (Overtime) could have any meaning 
only in the context of ?duty?. One cannot claim to do OT when one has not 
done one?s duty in the first place.
?       Ajnaa is duty and anujnaa is OT.

kanRukku  irangi:  calling out showing motherly affection
?       The calves of buffaloes have less digestive powers than the calves of 
cows. So, milkmen used to keep the buffalo calves away lest they should get 
literally ?fed up?. The mother buffaloes imagine them to be around even 
though they were not really so and would out of concern let milk flow from 
their udders,
?       On the other hand, cows would not be amenable to yielding milk, if they 
not actually ?see? their calves. That is probably why, milkmen ?show? the 
dead ?stuffed calves? to prompt cows to yield milk!
?       Let us see the story of Baby KrishNa asking His mother for milk:
Maatah!: Mother!
Kim yadunaatha!: What, My darling!
DEhi chasahakam: Give me your breast
Kim tEna?: Why?
Paatum paya: To drink milk
Tannaasti: Not now
Kadaasti?: Then, when?
Nisi:  At night
Nisaa kaa vaa?: What is night?
AndhkarOdayae: When darkness sets in.
On hearing this, KrishNa closes his eyes and says that darkness had come and 
insists on being breastfed.

ninaiththu mulai vazhiyE ninRu paal cOra:  thinking (of those calves) even 
as they were standing, milk flows from their udders.
* Ninru: milk flowing uninterruptedly

nanaithth illam cERaakkum:  Wetting all the way to their homes and making 
them swampy.
?       With rain flooding from above (Neer veLLam), with flood of milk down 
(paal veLLam) and flood of Naama Samkeertanam (Maal veLLam) in between, the 
gOPis are drowned in KrishNaanubhavam.
?       Cf kambar?s description of VeNNai nallur, the place of his mentor, 
Sadaiyappa vaLLal.
?Metterumai vaavi puga, muTTuvaraal kanrenru,
veeTTaLavum paal soriyum veNNaiyE naaTTil?

naR celvan thangaay  (Oh you) good prosperous cowherd   sister (of Lord 
Krishna's friend)!
?       The gOpis seem to say: Don?t be ashamed to call yourself the sister of 
who has not completed his nityaanushTaanam. Because, he was engaged in 
kainkaryam, he had just postponed it. He will make it up!
He is ?narselvan?
?       SelvaN; means wealth. What is the wealth?
Jnaanam is real wealth.
?       Thangai: You know who is Akka? Elder sister is JyEshTai known as 
?MoodEvi?. ?Thangai? is younger sister. Mahaalakshmi is ?Thangai?
?       ?SahOdara? is another word to denote fraternity. It is derived from 
+ udara?. Born from the same mother. But, this need not be the case all the 
-       Did not Rama say: I can find wives and relatives in every countries. 
I cannot see a place where you can find a brother (sahOdara) like LakshmaNa. 
Remember that he was not really a Saha+ udara. He was born to Sumitra and 
Not to Kousalya!
dEsE dEsE kaLatraani, dEsE dEsE cha baahndvaah/
tham tu dEsam na pasyaami yatra braathaa sahOdarah//
-       He further claimed a few more brothers in Guhan Sugrivan and 
(guhanudan aivaraanOm,? ninnodum ezhuvar aanOm)
-       When Dharmaputra was asked by Yaksha to choose one more brother to be 
brought alive, he named Nakula because he himself was there as the son of 
Kunti and he wished to have at least one son of Madri, Nakula to be brought 

pani ththalai vIzha: dew is falling on our heads
?       Because it is so slushy on the ground that we are not able to enter and 
therefore are standing at the entrance

nin vaacaR kadai  paRRic :(and we are) holding on to the outside entrance of 
your house

cinath thinaal thenn ilangaik kOmaanaic ceRRa:  One who destroyed Southern 
Lanka?s ruler out of anger

cinath thinaal Out of anger:
?       Is anger good? In fact, it is ranked as one of the evil tendencies of 
Kaama, KrOda, mOha, lObha, mada, maatsarya. But, anger became a virtue in 
the case of Sri Rama because of the circumstances in which he got angry.

thenn ilangaik
?       ?Thenn? denotes ?yamapuri?. Those who hold sway there are ahamkaaram 
(Dehaatma bramam) and Mamakaaram (Thinking what belongs to Bhagavaan 
jivaatma, as belonging to one?s self)
?       Setra: means decimated completely. This is because, Sri Rama had vowed 
do away with RavaNa and his clan completely (sa putra poutram sa amaatyam)

manath thukku iniyaanaip: who is sweet to the mind
?       When they had assembled to sing paeans of praise of KrishNa, how come 
call Sri Rama as ?manathukku iniyaan?- One who is pleasing to the mind? 
Andal seems to have a dig at KrishNa. She seems to ask:
?All the troubles and tribulations in building a bridge, transporting an 
entire battalion of monkeys, giving fierce battle etc that Sri Rama 
underwent were for the sake of one woman, Sri Sita. But, what are you doing? 
When we, the 5 lakhs of  gOpis are pining with intense devotional love for 
you, you do not seem to care to lift even your little finger for our sake, 
Is not Sri Rama manathukku iniyaan?
?       Further the name Rama itself is derived from ?Ramayati it Ramah? One 
?       He was pleasing even to his enemies. Taara, Mareecha, Vaali, 
and finally RavaNa himself vie with each other and take turns to praise Sri 
Rama. Did he not ask RavaNa to ?Go today and come tomorrow to fight? (inru 
pOi naaLai vaa)?
?ripooNaamapi vaatsalya:? says Valmiki.
?       Other gOPis interfere and mediate saying that it is the same Sri Rama 
is now presenting Himself as Sri KrishNa and the dispute is settled 
?       Once when YasOda was narrating the story of Sri Rama to baby KrishNa, 
baby was listening intently. But, when she started telling about the 
abduction of Sri Sita by RavaNa, it seems the baby called ?LakshmaNa! Bring 
my bow and arrows. Someone is abducting my wife?. This is a story by 
PouraaNikas to show that Sri Rama and Sri KrishNa are one and the same.

paadavum nI vaay  thiRavaay:  As we are singing, open Your mouth

ini ththaan ezhundhiraay: Now at least wake up
?       It is a sin to sleep after daybreak
?       One of Bharata pratigjnai is that he would go to the hells to which the 
lazy sleeper sleeps after Sunrise.

eedh enna pEr uRakkam    What is this big sleep?
?       There are two kinds of sleep ?Dheerga nidra? which means death and 
nidra? which means deep dreamless sleep

anaithth illathaarum aRindhu:  Other house people are awake and have come to 
know of your laziness in sleeping for so long
To Continue

kanaiththiLam kaRRerumai
?The buffaloes call to their calves
And, in their young ones? thought
Make the whole house slushy
with milk from their udders.
Oh! Sister of the one
Who possesses such wealth!
With heads bedewed stand we
Grasping your door-posts,
Singing of the One
Who to anger provoked,
slew the King of lanka,
Of the sweet Lord Rama,
And, yet you remain silent!
Wake up at least now!
What means this great sleep?
All the neighbors
Are up and alert,
Oh! My Maidens?
To Continue

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