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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00013 Feb 2003

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Priya Bhagawatas,

Gitajyothi Week No. 43 and 42 discourses (current and previous weeks)
are ready at the following site

43 rd week (17-28)
asraddhaya: hutham daththam
thapa sthaptham krutham cha yath |
asath ithyuchyathe: parttha!
na cha thathpre:thya no: iha ||
Brief translation
"An oblation which is offered, a charity done, an austerity practised,
and whatever good deed is performed without faith
are all termed as naught, since it is of no avail here or hereafter"

42 nd week (17-8)
a:yus saththva bala:ro:gya
sukha pri:thi vivardhana:ha |
rasya:h snigdha:h stthira: hrudya:ha
a:ha:ra:s sa:ththvika priya:ha ||

"Foods which promote longevity, intelligence, purification, health,
happiness and cheerfulness, and which are sweet, bland, nourishing and
naturally palatable are dear to the Sattvic type of people"

For more details please listen/download the discourse of His
Holiness Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna (Pedda)
Jeeyar Swamiji in Telugu, placed in the above sites courtesy Gemini
TV (2nd February and 26th January 0600 IST 2003)

Links to all the sites/archives available at
http: //

Jai Srimannarayana
Jai Govinda Jai Jai Govinda Jai Jai Jai Govinda

Sarva aparAdhamulatow

Dr. Kilambi Ramakrishna Ramanuja Dasan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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