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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00007 Mar 2001

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--- Anand K Karalapakkam <kgk@xxxx> wrote:
> SrI:
> SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH
> namO nArAyaNa!
>I would like to remind you that this
> list has the 
> basis of SrI VaishNava SampradAya. Kindly read the
> following 
> The Sanskrit term "Vigraha" is very much used
> denote 
> archA-avatAram of PerumAL {Like "Vigraha
> AarAdhanam" etc}. 
> "Idol" is its English equivalent. There is nothing
> wrong 
> in that word as such to denote PerumAL. 

Is it not that the word "Idol" represents ideation?
Perhaps, you should go to the Latin root for the word
to extract the real meaning (jest like we go to the
Sanskrit root for our words) then perhaps you will be
able to conclude if we couyld use it to denote God (I
accept only one God Lord Sriman Narayana). I feel that
there is everything wrong in using the word "IDOL."

Yes, in the age of Kali yuga, when a majority of the
so called Sri Vaishnavas are clebrating the mid night
of January first (Christian New Year) as their own New
Year, and celebrating the Christian Millianeium as
their own sending Christian Millianium greetings to
one another (even on the internet), I guess God could
be reduced to that of an "IDOL." 

Do you go to a respected Swami and call him "He Guy?"
However, there are some of us either Sri Vaishnavas or
not who might feel it insulting to refer God's Sri
Vigraham as "Idol." 

> modern thinkers 
> started criticizing "Idol Worship" etc and the
> name "Idol" got 
> involved in such issues while referring to PerumAL
> => Usage 
> of this word became mis-leading. Thus, we may
> resort to other terms.

> There is a lot of difference between Lord's
> picture and
> His archA-avatAram like either Vigraha Or
> SAlagrAma-MUrti.
> The former is only a representation of Him with
> His divine 
> form {the paper etc being prakruti only} and the
> latter is 
> verily Himself with the suddha-sattva form {either
> due 
> to consecration by Aagamas Or taken by Lord
> Himself on His
> own}. 

Are you saying that the Archa Murthy in my home is not
God or does not have the same power. Isopanishad
declares: "Purnam Ada Purnamidam..." The Archa Murthy
has the same power as in the Nitya Vibhoothi. When he
descends, he descds with all his power. How about a
who does not have a moorthy in the house or he is
travelling, and he has only a photo calender. Suppose,
he does arch to that form. Do you think that God does
not accept that archa?

In the service of Lord Sri Venkateswara, I remain,

Narender Reddy

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