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                        Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yatindra 
Mahadesikaya nama:

A Good Beginning

Most of us, when we begin a letter, a list of things to buy, an article or 
other piece of writing, usually write a “Shree:” at the top. Others, of 
different persuasions, believe in commencing everything with a “Pillayaar 
Suzhi”. Those having affinity for the Sampradayam never begin anything without 
mentioning their Acharya’s hallowed name and that of their favourite Deity. 
Sentimentally, we feel that any literary endeavour, or for that matter, 
anything we begin, would be completed successfully, only when we begin it thus. 
It may be as simple as writing a mere letter of four lines or it may be a 
profound literary creation—without the aforesaid preludes, we feel it somehow 

Is this a practice born out of mere sentiment, or does it have the sanction of 
the Shastras?

When we look into various sacred works composed ages ago, we find the practice 
of paying obeisance to the Acharya widely prevalent—so much so that it would be 
difficult to find any work of significance without an accolade to the Guru 
adorning its initial pages. Acharya Vandanam is thus considered the foremost 
duty of an author. The reasons for this are not far to seek. Since all wisdom 
has been imbibed from the Acharya, it was considered only fair to pay him due 
tribute, while commencing composition. It is one’s sacred duty to illuminate 
the Guru’s glory, says Swami Desikan—“Gurum prakaasayet dheemaan” (the wise 
should always sing the praise of their preceptor). It follows from this that 
those who do not do so, are indeed unwise.

Any number of examples can be adduced for the Guru coming in for praise, before 
commencement of the work. Sri Alavandar, in his Stotra Ratnam, (which is the 
font of inspiration from which all subsequent Acharyas have drawn heavily) 
devotes not one, but three verses in praise of his Praachaarya Sri Nathamuni 
and a few more to other Preceptors (though not direct) like Sri Parasara 
Maharshi and Nammazhwar. We find Sri Bhattar too following this hoary practice 
and praising Sri Koorattazhwan, in his works. Swami Desikan begins Srimad 
Rahasyatrayasaaram (and the prelude of Guruparampara saaram) with a glowing 
tribute to all his Acharyas and theirs—“Gurubhyascha tat gurubhyascha namo 
vaakam adheemahi”. 

Apart from eulogizing one’s preceptor, are there any other requirements while 
commencing a work? Should the work begin with any particular letter of the 
alphabet or a specific word?

Traditionally, the letter A—the “akaaram”-- has been considered to be extremely 
auspicious. It is the letter which denotes Emperuman—“akaaro Vishnu vaachaka:”. 
Though it is only a single letter, it is pregnant with esoteric purport. Being 
the first of all letters in the alphabet, it is only natural that it should 
denote the Lord. However, it is not merely because of such primacy among 
alphabets that the akaaram is said to indicate Emperuman. Since the roots of 
the letter have protection as their purport (“ava rakshane”), the akaaram 
naturally points to the Saviour of All (Sarva Rakshaka:), viz., Sriman 
Narayana. “Akaara arttha: Vishnu:” says Sri Bhattar, categorically declaring 
that the letter denotes none other than Emperuman. This is confirmation of the 
Katha Shruti, which says, “akaarena uchyate Vishnu: sarva lokeswaro Hari:” It 
is perhaps for this reason that even the venerated Veda Purusha opts for the 
auspicious akaaram, while commencing the Rig Veda Samhita (“Agnim ee
de purohitam”) and the Sama Veda too, (“Agna aayaahi veetaye”) telling us that 
right from the first letter, the Shruti is an exclusive eulogy for Emperuman. 
The preference for the letter A is evident in the Brahma Sutras too, where Sage 
Baadaraayana begins with “ataatho Brahma jigyaasaa”.

Thus, can there be any better or more auspicious letter to begin your 
composition with, than the letter A? It is this hoary practice that Sri 
Ramanuja follows, when commencing his magnum opus, Sri Bhashyam, the beautiful 
commentary on the Brahma Sutras. “Akhila bhuvana janma sthema bhangaadi leele” 
begins the Sri Bhashyam (the invocatory verse). “Akhila” means universal. 
Though there are other words too conveying the same meaning, (like “nikhila”, 
for example), the fact that Sri Ramanuja prefers to begin his work with “a” is 
a pointer to us all. Emperumaanaar sticks to this tested mode of commencement 
in his “Vedanta Deepam” (an abbreviated version of Sri Bhashyam) too with the 
words, “Atra ayam eva hi veda vidaam prakriya”. (Even if one were to count the 
invocatory verse to this work as the real beginning, the first word is “Shriya: 
Kaanta: ananta:”, confirming Sri Bhasyakara’s penchant for the auspicious 

Other examples, that spring to the mind while considering sacred works 
beginning with akaaram, are the Second Tiruvandaadi or Sri Bhootattazhwar—“Anbe 
tagaliyaa aarvame neyyaaga”. Sri Tirukkurugai Piraan Pillaan’s 
“Aaraayirappadi”, the pioneering commentary on Tiruvaimozhi, also begins with 
the letter A—“Apraakrita sva asaadhaarana divya roopa”. Four of the 28 Stotras 
of Swami Desikan begin with akaaram—the Garuda Panchaasat, Bhagavat Dhyaana 
Sopaanam, Nyaasa Dasakam and the Abhitistavam.

Other worthies have considered it auspicious to begin their works with a 
reference to Piratti, who is the repository of all things auspicious. 

“Tiruk kanden, pon meni kanden” says Sri Peyazhwar, commencing his Third 
Tiruvandaadi with a mention of the Divine Consort Tiru or Shree.
Again, it is with the “Shree” sabdam that Sri Ramanuja commences his Gita 
Bhashyam—“Shriya: Pati: nikhila heya pratyaneeka kalyaanaikataana:” Swami 
Desikan too faithfully adheres to his master’s practice, by beginning his 
commentary-- the Gita Bhashya Taatparya Chandrika-- with “Sreemad Gitaam”.

 Sri Nammazhwar too adheres faithfully to this practice, by commencing his 
Tiruvaimozhi with the letter “U”—“Uyarvara uyar nalam udayavan yavan avan”. 
Just as the letter A denotes Emperuman, U indicates Piratti. This is as 
declared by the Katha Shruti—“Uddhrutaa Vishnunaa Lakshmi U kaarena uchayate 

The glorious exposition on Tiruvaimozhi, Sri Nampillai’s “Eedu”, also begins 
with the auspicious “Shree” sabdam—“Shria: Patiyaai”. Sri Vedanta Ramanuja 
Mahadesikan (“Saakshaat Swami”) too commences with Irupattunaalaayira padi with 
“Sria: Patiyaai”. Swami Desikan too adheres to this practice by beginning his 
magnum opus Srimad Rahasyatrayasaaram, with “ Sria: Patiyaana Sarvesvaranukku” 
(first word of the Upodghaata Adhikaaram).

Other words considered appropriate for commencing compositions with, include 
the “Nama:” sabdam, standing for obeisance, reverence and surrender. We thus 
find Sri Alavandar beginning his incomparable Stotram with “Nama: achintya 
adbhuta aklishta gnaana vairaagya raasaye!”, paying reverential tribute to his 
Praacharya, Sri Nathamuni.

Similarly, “Sat” appears to be another opening gambit, popular with Swami 
Desikan and others. A quick analysis of his Rahasya Granthas reveals that no 
less than six of the 32 Chillarai Rahasyangal, begin with the word 
“Sadaachaarya”. The ones that begin thus are Sri Sampradaaya Parisuddhi, Sri 
Tattva Padavee, Sri Tattva Maatruka, Sri Taatparya Ratnavalee, Sri Rahasya 
Ratnaavalee Hridayam and the Rahasyatraya Chulakam. 

Three other esoteric works of the Acharya, the Rahasya Padavee, the Rahasya 
Sandesam and the Paramapada Sopanam commence with the letter “A” or the 
akaaram, while the Tattvatraya Chulakam begins with the “Shree” sabdam. 

The “Sam” shabdam, denoting auspiciousness, is in evidence as the first word, 
especially in the Taittiriya Upanishad, which commences with the Shanti Paatam, 
“Sam no Mitra: sam Varuna:”. The Atharva Veda too opens with “Sam no Devee: 

Well-begun is half-done, says the adage. From the scintillating success all the 
aforesaid works have achieved in enlightening and emancipating mortals, it 
would appear as though the venerated authors’ strategy, of beginning with 
auspicious alphabets or propitious phrases, has indeed paid rich dividend. So, 
the next time we compose a letter, an article, a book or even a mere shopping 
list, let us commence it with our Acharya’s tirunaamam or, at least, with a 
“Shree:” Those in North India often make fun of us South Indians, calling us 
great ones at beginning everything with fanfare but lacking the will and 
resolve to see things through—“Daakshinaatyaa: khalu aarambha shooraa:”. 
However, if we take a leaf from the hoary books of Poorvacharyas and begin 
everything well, with auspiciousness, we would definitely be able to see them 
to their logical conclusion, with the minimum of hurdles that invariably crop 
up to hinder any lofty endeavour.

Srimate Sri LakshmiNrisimha divya paduka sevaka SrivanSatakopa Sri Narayana 
Yatindra Mahadesikaya nama:
dasan, sadagopan

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