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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00169 May 2003

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Dear Bhagavatas:
In deference to the overwhelming requests for the release of the
included as Annexures to my book ?HINDUISM REDISCOVERED?,
we begin with the "Glossary".

As the Glossary is rather too lengthy, it is proposed to feature it in a
series of postings in the alphabetical order, with one letter at a time.

We hasten to assure you that the Glossary is neither exhaustive nor the
meanings error-free.
We implore your patience in going through the same and please feel free to
suggest any corrections / improvements through personal mail addressed to
Thanks for your patience and understanding.

The "TIMELINE" needs a litttle reformatting. It will be releaed later, when
the reformatting is complete.

Neither of them was released to any lists so far.

Anbil Ramaswamy
Daanam: Donation, Philanthropy, Gifting, Charity
Daanavas: Giants
Daasyus: Slaves, Barbarians
Dadhi annam: Curd (Yogurt) rice
Dagda paTa: Burnt cloth
Dahara: Innermost recesses of the heart
Daityas: Genii
Dakinis: Ogresses
Dakshinaayana: 6-month period when the Sun moves Southward
DanDa (recitation): A mode of recitation of the scriptural texts
Dandam Samarpithal:To prostrate at the feet
DanDa neethi: (lit). rule by the rod, Rule of justice and punishment
Danvantri: Divine Physician
Darsanas: Points of view, Theories, Philosophical systems
Daya: Tender Sympathy, Mercy, Compassion
Dayaa bhaaga: Co-parcenary interest of the heirs of a dead person
Deepa (or Dipa): Lamp
Deergha: Elongated
DEha vritti: Physiology
Deiva or DEva: (lit) Shining one, Divine being
Deiva (marriage): Offer of a girl in marriage to a priest
DEsa: Space, Country
DEva archanam: Worshipping the Lord
DEva baasha: (lit)Language of the Gods, Samskritam
DEva gaNas: Group of divinities
DEvamaana varusha: Divine years
DEva maarga: Shining route, Path of Gods
DEva naagari: The script of the city of Gods
DEvata: God, Deity
DEvataantara: Petty or lower deities a.k.a Kshudra devatas
DEva yagna: Deity worship
Dhaaraka: That which/ who maintains, Supports
DhaaraNa: Becoming one with God through meditation
Dhairyam: Keeping up promises, Bravery, Courage
Dhanur vEda: (lit) Archery, Military Science
Dharani: Mnemonic magic formula
Dharma: Virtue, that which sustains, Duties, Obligations, Law
Dharma buta gnaana: Extrinsic perception
Dharma sastras (Sutras): Texts of law codes and ethics, Societal Aphorisms
Dharma yuddha: War on righteous lines
Dharmi buta gnaana: Intrinsic Consciousness
Dhaatu: Basic constituents of the body, Root in etymology
Dhauti: Cleanliness
Dhoopa: Incense
Dhr: To sustain, hold together, firmness
Dhumaadhi marga: The smoky path
Dhyaana mudra: Gesture representing meditation
Dig Vijaya: Conquest of the quarters
Dig ambara: Sky clad Jains
Dig brama: Not knowing the directions
Din-ilaahi: A hotch potch compromise religion of Akbar
Disa: Space
Divya: Established by Devas, shining, divine
Divya desa: Holy places consecrated by Alwars and Acharyas
Divya prabhanda: 4000 Holy collects of the hymns of Alwars
Draavida baasha: Language of the Dravidians
Draavida veda: The Veda of the Dravidians
Dravya: Substance, Sacrificial materials
Dravya vidya: Medicine and Pharmacology
Dhruthi: Determination, Will power
Duhkam: Sorrow, Buddhist term for Advaita Nirvachaniyam
Duhka misratvam: What is earned being mixed with misery
Duhka mulatvam: Earning only through grievous efforts
Duhkodikartvam: Earnings becoming source of further misery
Dushta: Wicked
Dvaita / Dvaitin: Dualism, Those who believe in Dualism
Dvaya Mantra: The Surrender Mantra
Dveepas (or Dvipas): ( lit) Islands, Continents
Dvija: Twice born
Dwaapara yuga: The 3rd era of each Kalpa (before Kaliyuga)
Dwiteeya para ardham: The second half of Brahma's life
Dyaana (or) Dhyaana: Meditative flow, Concentration
Dyaana sloka (or Dhyaana sloka): Invocatory verse of prayer
Dyaavaa-prithvi: Sky above and the earth below, those between them
"E" will follow

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