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UNI Program-Rionegro

Maria Elena Ceballos, Rionegro-UNI Program Coordinator, University of Antioquia, Colombia
Dr. Alberto Hincapie, Dean of the School of Dentistry
The University of Antioquia, the local community, and the Local Health System of Rionegro Municipality take part in UNI Project-Rionegro. Rionegro is located at the east side of the state of Antioquia and is situated 41 km from Medellin, the state capital city. Its estimated population was 78,627 in 1991 and is projected at 134,806 for the year 2000.

Based on the UNI Program's Conceptual and Operational Guidelines, the objective of the UNI-Rio Negro Project is as follows:

To train professionals who are aware of the relationship between health and society and who are able to interact effectively with both the individual and the community; to consolidate the two levels of care in Rionegro, focusing on primary health care; and to ensure community participation in the development of both processes.

To achieve this overall objective, the following specific purposes were suggested (listed separately in this report for clarity; however, they are to be developed and presented together during program implementation):

· The services component intends to improve the health care model in the services network, to render services to the community, and to contribute to curriculum development for the health professions.

· The community component seeks a health care and human resources training model in which the community has continuous, systematic input.

· The academic component intends to make qualitative changes in professional training in Medicine, Nursing and Dentistry through the development of new curriculum models which permits students to integrate health and disease, biological and social sciences, in a balanced, harmonious way.

Achievements Obtained from January to August 1993

The Program began in January 1993, with the establishment of an administrative structure and assignment of physical facilities for the project headquarters.

Development of the service component: Support to the development of the SILOS administration, through systematization in accounting, preparation of inventory and budgets proposals, and the acquisition of medical-dental equipment and supplies; continuing education for services' officers, and modification of physical structures in four health centers.

Development of the community component: Identification and training of community leadership, organization of a remedial mathematics program for high school students, and fair opportunities for participation since the beginning.

Development of the academic component: The UNI Program planned to introduce the program and begin socialization between teachers and students of Medicine, Nursing and Dentistry, and to start interdisciplinary work on the teaching model and research plans. To this extent, UNI Program activities began on February 8, with the participation of students and teachers from Medicine, Nursing and Dentistry. During this semester, 150 students and 10 teachers from the three disciplines participated in the Program. Thus, socialization of the Program was achieved.

Dentistry: In 1992, a program was initiated to relate the UNI Program's Conceptual and Operational Guidelines to dentistry and to increase awareness among dental participants. To accomplish these objectives, a series of events were planned, which led to two purposes for the academic training program: 1) personal development related to attitude and professional commitment, and 2) improvements in teaching, including staff work, adult education, methods, and evaluation processes.

Concerning health services, the University provides continuing education and technical updates for service dental professionals as a part of the inter-institutional integration process. Together with Oriente University Foundation, training courses have also been provided for dental auxiliary personnel in support of the UNI Project. They have been offered for 42 staff members in 11 of the region's municipalities where the UNI Project is developed.

Dentistry began working in the service activities of the UNI on July 15, with the participation of 47 students from the Sanitary Dentistry course. They conducted oral health assessments in an urban school and, in September, developed prevention and promotion activities based on their findings. Since August, in the same school, five students from the courses of Social Projection and Professional Practice have developed a program featuring health promotion, prevention, operative dentistry, and simple periodontics.

With each new semester, curricular activities and course contents will continue to improve, thereby ensuring the University of Antioquia a permanent role in helping communities meet their stated objectives.

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