The Digital Research Initiative
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Organizations' Sites

UNC's own chapter of the Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Alliance for Diversity organization.

Bisexuals, Gays and Allies
This NC State Organization maintains a terrific website which contains educational information, a Fall 1997 schedule of events, a list of terrific resources and much more.

Down East Pride
This is the site of East Carolina University's Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian organization, which puts together special events, an annual rally, a newsletter and much more each year.

Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Student Association
This is the Web site of UNCG's homosexual student organization. It offers information about AIDS, meetings, events and family resources.

The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
The largest national organization that brings together teachers, parents, students, and concerned citizens to work together to end homophobia in our schools.

Lambda 10 Project
Works to heighten the visibility of gay, lesbian and bi-sexual members of the college fraternity scene.

The National Collegiate Pride Association
A national organization of gay, lesbian and bi-sexual organizations intending to raise awareness.

North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Attorneys
This organization is geared to provide "visibility and advocacy for the lesbian, gay and bisexual communities" in North Carolina, and is made up by attorneys. This group is based in Durham.

NC Pride Marching Band
This is the home page of the official marching band of the yearly NC Pride March, which was held in Chapel Hill/Carborro this past June.

This extremely well-done site offers news, links, web-based greeting card services and more.

The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project
An informal, national network of organizations and individuals working to ensure that fair, accurate and unbiased information regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and about the nature and diversity of sexual orientation is presented to America's youth as part of public school education.

This commerical site offers various services to the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual community, including news, home pages, links and some pornography.

A University of Kentucky student group dedicated to providing information about the lesbigay/trans community.

Raleighwood Squares
This is the home page of "The Triangle's Only Gay and Lesbian Square Dance Club."

This is the home page of a Duke University student organization which is dedicated to increasing awareness of Gay, lesbian and bisexual issues on Duke's Campus.

Touting itself as "the complete guide to gay and lesbian politics and activism on the web," this site offers links to other organizations as well as news.

Education Sites

Campus Climate Report Bibliography
Bibliography of reports done across the country measuring acceptance and tolerance of gay, lesbian and bi-sexual views on campus.

The Cool Page For Queer Teens
A really cool page for homosexual teens.

Financial Aid for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students
A comprehensive list of financial aid and other monies available to homosexuals.

Gay North Carolina
This site offers a guide to North Carolina tourists who wish to see the state from a gay perspective. Offers insight on events, people and locations.

National Consortium of Directors of LGBT Resources in Higher Education
The combined vision and mission of the Consortium is to achieve higher education environments in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni have equity in every respect.

The Queer Resources Directory
This tremendous site offers access to over 20,000 information files about Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual issues, such as family issues, youth interests, media, marriage, religion and much more.

Cultural Sites

An awesome site using Macromedia's Flash plugin that explores the meanings of homosexuality and the alienation from society.

erato's lyre
A massive collection of submitted poetry by homosexuals, collected and coupled with elegant graphics.

Fairy Tails and Dyke Dramas
Much like erato's lyre, a collection of submitted short stories dealing with Gay and Lesbian issues.

Gay and Lesbian News
Yahoo keeps you up-to-date with this page featuring the day's news in the Gay and Lesbian world.

Gay Literature
Here you will find links to books, magazines, e-zines, poetry, bibliographies, short fiction and shopping of interest to the gay, lesbian and bisexual community.

The Lavender Salon Reader Online
This site contains information about Gay & Lesbian Reading Clubs across the United States.

Personal Sites

The Bi-Sexual Girls' Homepage
A site by and about bi-sexuals.

Holographic Sailor
A collection of personal reflections about what it means to be gay.

A site containing philosophical essays defining homosexuality and arguing against social dogma.

Stuart Alma McDonald
Activist's page containing oodles and oodles of links and personal writings about almost all facets of life as a homosexual.

Sex Sites
Not to be confused with the paultry site, this one is intended for mature audiences only.

Bisexuals Action on Sexual Health (BASH)
This BASH is in no way related to the popular Unix shell.

Gay Extreme
An example of a gay porn site. Mature audiences only.

Girl Gallery
An example of a lesbian porn site. Mature audiences only.

Human Sexuality and Sexual Orientation
An extensive essay about human sexuality and sexual orientation with a particular slant towards homosexuality.

An example of a lesbian porn site. Mature audiences only.

An example of a gay porn site. Mature audiences only.

Sex Guide - How To:
A sort of FAQ on gay intercourse.

Sugar Walls
An example of a gay porn site. Mature audiences only.

This site made by
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This site was created especially for students of the UNC School of Journalism's
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