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Letter of 27 May 1925


The beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful throughout Germany.


My dearly-beloved friends:


Our well-beloved brother and fellow-worker Dr. Esslemont acting on medical advice is proceeding to the Black Forest for treatment and recuperation. He has been suffering of late from ill-health which has interfered with the unique and most valuable work he has been doing in Haifa. His past services, his selflessness and devotion, his book of unsurpassed excellence, his noble character and great industry entitle him to the highest esteem and warmest affection of every true Bahá'í.


He has been advised to spend the hot summer months in a dry and cool climate and to secure proper medical treatment in a quiet and restful place. I am sure that the German friends who have already learned to love and admire such a precious and capable servant of the Cause will do all in their power to extend to him every facility and ensure his full and speedy recovery.


He will be accompanied by our dear Bahá'í sister, Mrs. Lowell, who is returning to America via Germany and whom you will be glad to welcome in your midst.


Assuring you of my affection and prayers,


I am your brother in His service

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