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Letter of 7 March 1925


To the beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Vienna.


My dearly-beloved brothers and sisters in `Abdu'l-Bahá!


Your joint letter dated February 13th. 1925 has rejoiced my heart and has served to deepen my admiration for the splendid efforts displayed by your spiritual teacher, our never to be forgotten Bahá'í brother Mr. Herrigel. As I read the full list of your beloved names, I could not but feel a thrill of joy and gratitude for the manifold blessings of our departed Master who has graciously called upon you and chosen you to carry on the great work to which He dedicated His whole life. It is indeed a great privilege for you all to be able to labour in this Divine Vineyard, and to lay down the basis of the spiritual as well as the material development of your ancient and beloved country.


I shall be so glad to receive frequent and detailed reports on the progress of your activities individually and collectively, and assure you of my ardent desire to help you in any way I can for the expansion and advancement of your work.


Persevere in your task, endeavour by every means at your disposal to add to your numbers, study profoundly the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and `Abdu'l-Bahá, devote a special attention to the proper education of your children, and arise to start and maintain constant correspondence with the various Bahá'í centres throughout the East and the West. Be assured of the emphatic never-failing promise of our dear Master that whoso ariseth to deliver this Message with purity of heart and sincerity of purpose the hosts of the Supreme Concourse will enable him to achieve in a short period of time what all the nations of the world combined can never accomplish.


I will specially pray for you at the Three Holy Shrines that the All-Bountiful may bless richly your efforts, that the seeds sown by our Beloved in Vienna may germinate through your persevering efforts and usher in the era of true felicity and peace for your sorely-tried and illustrious fatherland.


Awaiting eagerly the glad-tidings of the progress of your work, and assuring you of my brotherly love,


I am your true brother

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