WebXR samples. Comments

Performance analysis

All Error log calls are removed. See also webxr-scene-optimization.

Oculus optionalFeatures test

optionalFeatures: ['high-fixed-foveation-level', 'high-refresh-rate']

Animated ribbons High Refresh Rate Oculus test works now thanks to Dominic Cooney Stack Overflow.com
    {optionalFeatures: ['high-fixed-foveation-level', 'high-refresh-rate']})
is used. 60/72 fps (16/14 ms) for low/high refresh rate (but I can't see any difference yet :)
Need more tests for 'high-fixed-foveation-level'?

Oculus Text To Speech test

Is there TTS in Oculus? 1CRN Movie + TTS (in Russian). Text to Speach (TTS) API works almost everywhere but I get "Uncaught ReferenceError: speechSynthesis is not defined" in Oculus browser.
WebXR samples     updated 14 June 2020