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By Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804-1864

Sketches from Memory


No. II

[Editorial note: the following editorial introduction is as published in the New-England Magazine, No. 9, December, 1835, pages 398-409. The "Sketches from Memory" were anonymous; the introduction is by Park Benjamin. When the "Sketches" were reprinted in Mosses from an Old Manse, this introduction was omitted. It is reprinted here to stand for the lost frame narrative of The Story Teller.]


We present to our readers a few more of the loose sketches from our friend's portfolio, which, we think, will, more clearly than those of the last month, shew the truth of our remark, that, like the careless drawings of a master-hand, they shadow forth a power and beauty, that might be visibly embodied into life-like forms on the canvass. "The Afternoon Scene " and "The Night Scene" will, we trust, suggest subjects to our landscape painters. The former, which has the mellow richness of a Claude, might be exquisitely done by Doughty; and young Brown, whose promise is as great as the hopes of his friends, could employ his glowing pencil upon no subject better adapted to call forth all his genius, than the latter.

[Then follows "The Canal-Boat" sketches as in Mosses from an Old Manse.]


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