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Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)


to Mosses from an Old Manse, 1846, 1854

See also the Table of Contents, A Note on the Text, Criticism, Home page for the Old Manse.

General Notes

Publication history.

Notes to The Old Manse (1846)

Publication history.

See Old Manse home page.

Notes to The Birth-mark (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to A Select Party (1844, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to Young Goodman Brown (1835, 1846)

Publication history.

frequently asked questions.

Notes to Rappaccini's Daughter (1844, 1846)

Publication history.

Note operatic versions.

Notes to Mrs. Bullfrog (1837, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to Fire-Worship (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

See Old Manse home page.

Notes to Buds and Bird-Voices (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

See Old Manse home page.

Notes to Monsieur du Miroir (1837, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to The Hall of Fantasy (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to The Celestial Rail-road (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to The Procession of Life (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to Feathertop (1852, 1854)

Publication history.

Notes to The New Adam and Eve (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to Egotism; or, The Bosom-Serpent (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to The Christmas Banquet (1844, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to Drowne's Wooden Image (1844, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to The Intelligence Office (1844, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to Roger Malvin's Burial (1832, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to P.'s Correspondence (1845, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to Earth's Holocaust (1844, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to Passages from a Relinquished Work (1834, 1854)

Publication history.

See "The Story Teller" frame narrative sequence.

Notes to Sketches from Memory (1835, 1854)

Publication history.

See "The Story Teller" frame narrative sequence.

Notes to The Old Apple-Dealer (1843, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to The Artist of the Beautiful (1844, 1846)

Publication history.

Notes to A Virtuoso's Collection (1842, 1846)

Publication history.

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