Ponta da Barra Light, Mozambique

This lighthouse is located at the end of the northward-pointing Barra Peninsula, which shelters the Bay of Inhambane in southern Mozambique.

The early history of the light station is unclear. According the older light lists, a light was displayed here as early as 1873. Silva Pais writes that the station was established in 1900, so perhaps the light had been maintained privately until then. The current 13 m (43 ft) stone tower was apparently built in 1904. In recent years the area around the light station has been developed as an adventure camp.

photo from Silva Pais pamphlet

postcard from the collection of Michel Forand


Posted June 2005. Images in this section are believed to be in the public domain. The Lighthouse Directory site is copyright 2005 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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