Lighthouses of Central Vietnam

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam occupies the east coast of Mainland Southeast Asia. After being independent for many centuries Vietnam was colonized by France as part of French Indochina from the mid 1800s until 1941, when the country was invaded and conquered by Japan. After the end of World War II in 1945 French attempts to re-establish control triggered 30 years of warfare. In 1954 an armistice agreement provided for the French withdrawal but divided the country into northern and southern halves. The Vietnam War, a complex struggle between the two Vietnamese governments, was already underway in the late 1950s and escalated with U.S. intervention beginning in 1964. U.S. troops were withdrawn in 1973 and two more years of war led to the reunifucation of the country in 1975.

Vietnam is long and narrow, with a coastline measuring some 3000 km (1875 mi) in length. The northern third of the coast faces the Gulf of Tonkin (Vịnh Bắc Bộ, "Northern Bay" in Vietnamese) and the rest faces east and southeast on the open waters of the South China Sea, known as Biển Đông, "East Sea" in Vietnamese.

Vietnam is divided into 58 provinces and five province-level municipalities. This page includes the lighthouses of the central coast, facing east on the South China Sea, from Quảng Bình Province through Bình Thuận Province. From 1945 to 1975 Quảng Bình was the southernmost province of "North Vietnam" (the Democratic Republic of Vietnam); the remaining provinces on this page were all in "South Vietnam" (the Republic of Vietnam).

Fortunately the lighthouses of Vietnam were not usually seen as targets during the Vietnam War and most of them survived the fighting without major damage. A few of the historic French lighthouses have been replaced but most remain in service and are regarded as historic monuments. In general Vietnamese lighthouses have resident keepers.

The Vietnamese words for a lighthouse are hải đăng or đèn biển ("sea light"). Dao or hòn is an island, quần đảo is an archipelago, bãi cạn is a shoal, mũi is a cape, sông is a river, cửa ("door") is the mouth of a a river, vịnh is a bay, and hải cảng is a harbor.

Aids to navigation are maintained by two Maritime Safety Companies, Vietnam Maritime Safety - North (VMS-North) maintaining lights in the northern half of the country and Southern Vietnam Maritime Safety (SVMS) maintaining the lights of the southern half.

ARLHS numbers are from the ARLHS World List of Lights. Admiralty numbers are from volume F of the Admiralty List of Lights & Fog Signals. U.S. NGA List numbers are from Publication 112.

General Sources
Vietnam Northern Marine Safety - Beacon System
An interactive map of lighthouse locations, linking to pages on the individual light stations.
Southern Vietnam Maritime Safety - Lighthouses
An interactive map of lighthouse locations, linking to pages on the individual light stations.
World of Lighthouses - Vietnam
Photos by various photographers available from
Online List of Lights - Vietnam
Photos by various photographers posted by Alexander Trabas.
List of AtoN System
Light data published by SVMS in 2016.
Leuchttürme Asiens auf historischen Postkarten
Historic postcard images posted by Klaus Huelse.
Navionics Charts
Navigation chart for the Vietnamese coast.

Kê Gà Light
Kê Gà Light, Bình Thuận, May 2013
Wikimedia Creative Commons photo by Stephan Knopf

North Central Coast Lighthouses

Lights on this section of the coast are maintained by Vietnam Maritime Safety - North.

Quảng Bình Province Lighthouses
* Cửa Gianh
1970. Active; focal plane 21 m (69 ft); three white flashes, in a 2+1 pattern, every 10 s. 20 m (66 ft) round concrete tower with gallery. Entire lighthouse painted light blue (formerly white). 2-story keeper's house. Ben Tong has a 2023 photo, Anh Trần has a 2021 drone view, a 2022 photo is available, and Google has a satellite view of the station. Located on the south side of the entrance to the Cửa Gianh estuary about 10 km (6 mi) north of Ly Hóa. Site appears open, tower closed. Admiralty F3218.5; NGA 20276.5.
* Nhật Lệ (Dong Hoi)
1974. Active; focal plane 35 m (115 ft); three white flashes, in a 2+1 pattern, every 12 s. 20 m (66 ft) hexagonal concrete tower with lantern and two galleries. As of 2019 the upper section of the tower is gray and the lower half buff. Trabas has Eckhard Meyer's photo, Chu Thắng has a 2022 photo, Minh Hoá Hoàng has a 2018 photo, Tám Trần Đức has a 2019 photo, a 2007 photo is available, and Google has a 2023 street view and a satellite view. Located on the north side of the mouth of the Nhật Lệ River in Đồng Hới. Site open, tower status unknown. Admiralty F3218.3.

Quảng Trị Province Lighthouses
* Mũi Lay (Cap Lai)
1976. Active; focal plane 37.5 m (123 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 12.5 m (41 ft) square cylindrical concrete tower rising from one end of a 1-story concrete keeper's house. Formerly painted white, as of 2020 the lighthouse is now painted dark gray. Viet Thanh Duong has a 2020 photo, Huong Nguyen has a photo, Bui Cong Truong has a 2021 photo, Thanh Long has a good 2017 photo, Lê Hoàng Đức has a 2022 drone view, and Google has a satellite view. Located on a prominant cape about 20 km (13 mi) north of Gio Linh. Site open, tower status unknown. ARLHS VIE-045; Admiralty F3218.2; NGA 20276.9.
Cồn Cỏ (Hon Gio)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 78 m (256 ft); three white flashes every 15 s. 24 m (79 ft) round concrete tower with lantern and gallery, rising from a 2-story keeper's house. Entire building painted yellow with white trim. Quỳnh Nguyễn has the 2023 photo at right, Huong Nguyen has a 2015 photo, Tran Anh Hoa has a closeup, and Google has a fuzzy satellite view. Cồn Cỏ is an inhabited island about 23 km (14 mi) northeast of Mũi Lay. Located on the highest point of the island. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3218.25; NGA 20276.8.
* Cửa Tùng
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 45 m (148 ft); four white flashes, in a 3+1 pattern, every 20 s. 27 m (89 ft) round concrete tower with lantern and gallery. Lighthouse painted in black and white spiral bands (an unusual pattern for Vietnam); lantern roof is silver. Lâm Ngọc Đảng has a 2022 photo, Tuấn Vũ has a closeup photo, VMSN has a photo, Duy Khang Nguyễn has a drone view, and Google has a satellite view. Located on the north side of the entrance to the Cửa Tùng estuary, about 8 km (5 mi) south of Mũi Lay. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F3218; NGA 20276.92.

Cồn Cỏ Light, Quảng Trị, July 2023
Google Maps photo by Quỳnh Nguyễn
* Cửa Việt
1980. Active; focal plane 28 m (92 ft); white flash every 4 s. 22 m (72 ft) square cylindrical masonry tower with a square lantern and gallery, rising from the center of a 3-story masonry keeper's house. The keeper's house is painted yellow and the light tower is gray. A 2018 closeup photo and a distant 2004 photo are available, and Google has a satellite view. The lighthouse was originally painted white. Cửa Việt is just south of the former Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and was an important American base during the Vietnam War, but this lighthouse was built after the end of the war. Located at the mouth of the Cửa Việt estuary about 25 km (15 mi) north of Quảng Trị. Site open, tower status unknown. ARLHS VIE-014; Admiralty F3216; NGA 20277.

Thừa Thiên–Huế Province Lighthouse
Thuận An (Thai Duong Thuong) (1)
1979. Inactive. 35 m (115 ft) square skeletal tower. A 2019 closeup photo is available, Thuỷ Nguyễn has a 2021 closeup, Hai Che has a photo, and Bing has a satellite view. As of 2023 this tower remains close to the new lighthouse (next entry); Thai Long has a photo of the two towers.
Thuận An (Thai Duong Thuong) (2)
2022 (station established 1979). Active; focal plane 39 m (128 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. 35 m (115 ft) hexagonal concrete tower with lantern and gallery. Lighthouse is white with a red base and red upper section. 1-story keeper's house. A VMS-North photo is at right and Google has a satellite view. Located on the southeast side of the entrance to the Tam Giang lagoon near Huế. Site open, tower status unknown. ARLHS VIE-039; Admiralty F3213; NGA 20278.
Chân Mây (Mui Chon May Dong) (2)
2019 (station established 2001). Active; focal plane 54 m (177 ft); white flash every 5 s. 14 m (46 ft) round concrete tower with lantern and gallery. The tower is white, lantern red. Quang Đông Đào has a January 2020 photo of the new lighthouse and Google has a satellite view. The 2001 lighthouse was a 14 m (46 ft) round hourglass-shaped tower, painted with red and white horizontal bands, centered on the roof of the 2-story station building; the station building was renovated and remains in service. Trabas has Rainer Arndt's photo of the original light, Đông Đào has a 2008 photo. Tám Trần Đức's May 2019 photo shows the renovated station building with the older light still in place but Đông Đào's January 2020 photo shows that it was removed later that year. Located on a promontory about 20 km (13 mi) northwest of Lop An. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3212; NGA 20279.

Thuận An Light, Thuận An, 2022
Vietnam Maritime Safety - North photo

Đà Nẵng Municipality Lighthouses
Đà Nẵng is Vietnam's fifth largest city and third major port, with a population of about 1.4 million; unlike Hải Phòng and Hồ Chí Minh City (Saigon) it is blessed with a magnificent natural harbor. Called Tourane under French administration, it was a major American base during the Vietnam War.

Sơn Chà
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 240 m (787 ft); three white flashes, in a 2+1 pattern, every 6 s. 15.5 m (51 ft) round cylindrical concrete tower with lantern and gallery, painted light blue with white trim. The VMS-North photo is at right, Quang Đông Đào has a 2018 photo, and Google has a satellite view. Located at the summit of Hòn Sơn Chà, an island on the north side of the entrance to Đà Nẵng (Danang), about 2.5 km (1.5 mi) northwest of the Tiên Sa lighthouse. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3211.5; NGA 20279.5.
[Đà Nẵng Dique Oblique]
Date unknown. Active; focal plane about 8 m (26 ft); red flash every 3 s. 6 m (20 ft) round concrete tower painted with red and white horizontal bands. Ngoc Minh Hoang has a photo, Còi Nam has a 2017 photo, Trabas has Douglas Cameron's photo, and Google has a satellite view. Located on a breakwater in the mouth of the Hàn River in the inner harbor of Đà Nẵng. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F3211; NGA 20316.
Đà Nẵng Detached Breakwater South Head
Date unknown. Active; focal plane about 10 m (33 ft); green flash every 3 s. 8 m (26 ft) round concrete tower painted with green and white horizontal bands. Do Quen has a 2020 photo, Bá Thái Huỳnh has a photo, Nguyễn Hữu Hoà has a night time photo, and Google has a satellite view. Located at the end of the breakwater just south of the Thuận Phước bridge. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3209.2.
Son Cha Light
Sơn Chà Light, Đà Nẵng
Vietnam Maritime Safety - North photo
Đà Nẵng Detached Breakwater North Head
Date unknown. Active; focal plane about 10 m (33 ft); green flash every 3 s. 8 m (26 ft) round concrete tower painted with green and white horizontal bands. Hai Vo has a closeup street view and Google has a satellite view. Located at an elbow (not the actual end) of the long detached breakwater of Đà Nẵng harbor. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3209; NGA 20312.
Quản Tượng (Fort Point, Tourane Bay)
1903. Active; focal plane 42 m (138 ft); white flash every 3 s. 5.5 m (18 ft) round concrete tower, painted white; access to the light is by an external ladder. Quang Đông Đào has a fine closeup photo and Google has a satellite view. Although it is small this is a historic beacon. Located atop a promontory at the northeastern entrance to Danang Bay. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3206; NGA 20296.
** Tiên Sa (Mũi Đà Nẵng, Sơn Trà, Cape Tourane)
1903. Active; focal plane 158 m (518 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 9 m (30 ft) round cylindrical masonry tower with lantern and gallery. Formerly painted all white, the lighthouse is now painted white with one yellow horizontal band. Nguyễn Phạm Hải Dương's photo is at right, VMS-North has a good photo, Anh Trần has a 2022 photo, Mikhail Eremenko has a photo, Tuấn Anh Nguyễn has a closeup, Nguyen Xuan Duy has a street view, Huelse has a historic postcard view, and Google has a satellite view. The lighthouse is located within the Sơn Trà National Park. Located at the end of the Sơn Trà peninsula, about 20 km (13 mi) northeast of Đà Nẵng (Danang). Site open, photos show the tower is often open. . ARLHS VIE-015; Admiralty F3204; NGA 20292.

Tiên Sa Light, Đà Nẵng, September 2022
GOogle Maps photo by Nguyễn Phạm Hải Dương

Quảng Nam Province Lighthouses
Cửa Đại (Hoi An) (2)
2012 (station established 2000). Active; focal plane 25 m (82 ft); four white flashes, in a 3+1 pattern, every 15 s. 23 m (75 ft) round tower with gallery. Painted white until recently, the lighthouse is now painted with black and white horizontal bands; lantern dome is silver. 2-story keeper's house painted white with a red roof. Trần Đức Tám has a 2021 drone view, Martin Mobers has a February 2013 photo of the new lighthouse, Rafael Alonso has a 2016 photo, has a closeup photo and a more distant view, and Google has a satellite view. This lighthouse replaced a 23 m (75 ft) square steel skeletal tower with gallery painted with black and white horizontal bands. Located on the north side of the entrance to the Cửa Đại estuary, east of the city of Hội An. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3203; NGA 20316.5.
Cù Lao Chàm (2)
2021 (station established 2003). Active; focal plane 139 m (456 ft); four white flashes, in a 3+1 pattern, every 16 s. 26 m (85 ft) octagonal white concrete tower with lantern and gallery. The light is formerly on a short post centered on the roof of the 2-story concrete keeper's house. Hải Xuân has a 2022 photo, a 2023 photo is available, and Google has a satellite view of the station. Quang Đông Đào has a 2019 closeup photo of the earlier light and a distant 2016 drone view is available. Cù Lao Chàm, an island about 15 km (9 mi) northeast of Cửa Đại, has several popular beach resorts and is accessible by ferry from Hội An. Located atop a steep bluff at the northeastern point of the island. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3203.2; NGA 20318.
Tân Hiệp (Tian Hep) (2)
Date unknown (station established 2000). Active; focal plane 42.5 m (139 ft); white flash every 5 s. 11 m (36 ft) round concrete tower painted with black and white horizontal bands. Google has a satellite view.This lighthouse has recently replaced a white skeletal tower. Located on a headland on the east side of the entrance to the harbor of Cù Lao Chàm. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3203.3; NGA 20318.1.
* An Hòa (Kỳ Hà)
1995 (substantially rebuilt in 2016). Active; focal plane 30 m (98 ft); three white flashes, in a 2+1 pattern, every 12 s. 26.5 m (87 ft) round concrete tower with six ribs, lantern and gallery. Lighthouse painted with red and white horizontal bands. Nguyen Tuan Anh's photo is at right. The photo on the VMS-North page shows the lighthouse before the tower was extended by 7.5 m (25 ft) and the lantern was added during the rebuilding of the lighthouse in 2016. Lam Trinh Khac has a December 2016 photo and a street view, M. Quy has a 2023 photo, and Google has a satellite view. Duyên Nguyễn Văn has a 2008 photo showing the original form of the tower. During the rebuilding the light was moved to a square skeletal tower seen in another photo by Khac. Located on a promontory near Núi Thành, about 25 km (15 mi) southeast of Tam Kỳ. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F3202; NGA 20317.

An Hòa Light, Quảng Nam, February 2021
Google Maps photo by Nguyen Tuan Anh

Quảng Ngãi Province Lighthouses
Vạn Ca (Dung Quất) (2)
2000. Active; focal plane about 40 m (131 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. Approx. 20 m (66 ft) round white concrete tower with lantern and gallery. Lantern dome is silver. Thùy Trinh Trịnh has a 2022 photo, Ung Minh Thọ has a closeup photo, Quang Đông Đào has a view from the nearby beach, Thanh Mai has a more distant view, and Google has a satellite view of the station. The previous tower was a 14 m (46 ft) round hourglass-shaped tower centered on the flat roof of a 1-story square keeper's house. The Admiralty continues to describe the earlier lighthouse, which had a focal plane of 32 m (105 ft). Located on a sharp, north-pointing promontory about 10 km (6 mi) southeast of the An Hòa lighthouse. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3200; NGA 20319.
* Lý Sơn (Cù Lao Ré) (3?)
Date unknown (station established 1900). Active; focal plane 50 m (164 ft); white flash every 5 s. 45 m (148 ft) round white concrete tower with two galleries, four ribs, and four buttresses near the base. Nguyễn Quang Huy's 2023 photo is at right, VMS-North has a good photo ,Nguyễn Duy Khoa has a 2023 photo, Lưu Văn Cam has a 2019 closeup photo, Nguyen Huu Anh Vu has a 2024 photo, a March 2007 photo is available, and Google has a satellite view. This is Vietnam's tallest lighthouse. The former light was described by NGA as a black and white metal tower, and there may have been a different French lighthouse earlier. Lý Sơn, formerly called Cù Lao Ré or Canton Island, is an island off Mũi Ba Làng An (Cap Batangan) and about 50 km (30 mi) northeast of Quảng Ngãi. The island has a population of about 20,000 and is accessible by air or by ferry from Sa Kỳ. Tourist facilities are being developed. Located at the northeastern tip of the island. Site open, tower closed. . ARLHS VIE-013; Admiralty F3184; NGA 20320.
Lý Sơn East Beakwater (Mù Cu)
2000. Active; focal plane 11 m (36 ft); four white flashes, in a 3+1 pattern, every 15 s. 10 m (33 ft) round cylindrical concrete tower with gallery, painted with red and white horizontal bands. Quốc Cường Ngô has a closeup photo, Đại Thịnh has a photo, Trung Duc Tran has a 2022 closeup photo, and Google has a street view and a satellite view. Located on a rocky reef at the end of the east breakwater of the harbor at the east end of Lý Sơn. Site status unknown, but presumably there's a good view from ferries arriving at the island. . Admiralty F3184.2; NGA 20320.2.
* Lý Sơn Harbor (An Vĩnh) (2)
Date unknown (station established 2000). Active; focal plane 14.5 m (48 ft); three white flashes every 12 s. 13 m (43 ft) round cylindrical conctete tower painted with black and white horizontal bands. Liên Quân has a 2019 photo, Trần Nguyên Khoa has an overhead drone view, Có Nguyễn Tăng has a street view, and Bing has an indistinct satellite view. The earlier lighthouse was a square cylindrical skeletal tower with gallery, also painted with black and white horizontal bands. Located on the waterfront of the harbor at the west end of Lý Sơn. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F3184.5.

Lý Sơn Light, Quảng Ngãi, June 2023
Google Maps photo by Nguyễn Quang Huy
* Ba Làng An (Cap Batangan) (4)
2019 (station established 1915). Active; focal plane about 50 m (164 ft); two white flashes every 6 s. Approx. 25 m (82 ft) round tower with lantern and gallery with lantern and gallery, painted with red and white horizontal bands. 2-story keeper's house painted yellow with white trim. Tú Đoàn's March 2021 photo is seen at right, Ngọc Hoàng Trần has a good 2020 photo, Nhân Nguyễn has a 2022 closeup, and Google has a satellite view of the station. This lighthouse replaced the 1982 light, a short post mounted on the roof of the station building. Võ Hồng Sơn has a closeup photo of the older light. Hùng Nguyễn Việt has a photo of the renovated station building. The original lighthouse was on a lower site with a focal plane height of 25.5 m (84 ft); this appears to be the second light at the present location. Mũi Ba Làng An (Cap Batangan) is a very prominent cape about 25 km (15 mi) northeast of Quảng Ngãi. Located on a headland at the cape. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F3181; NGA 20321.
Sa Kỳ
2000. Active; focal plane 15 m (49 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. 14 m (46 ft) round cylindrical concrete tower with gallery, painted with red and white horizontal bands. Trung Dung Do has a photo, Văn Cam Lưu has a closeup, and Google has a satellite view. Located on a reef in the entrance to the Sa Kỳ estuary, about 6 km (3.5 mi) southwest of Ba Làng An. Accessible only by boat. Site and tower closed. Admiralty F3180; NGA 20321.2.
Sa Huỳnh (Cap Sa Hoi)
2004. Active; focal plane 87.5 m (287 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 10 m (33 ft) post on the roof of a 2-1/2 story station building, painted yellow with blue trim and a red roof. Quang Đông Đào has a photo, Nguyen Gia Huy Vo has a 2022 closeup, a 2022 drone view is available, and Google has a satellite view of the station. Located at a harbor entrance about 8 km (5 mi) north of Tam Quan. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3178; NGA 20323.

Ba Làng An Light, Quảng Ngãi, March 2021
Google Maps photo by Tú Đoàn

South Central Coast Lighthouses

The remaining lighthouses on this page are in the Southern Vietnam Maritime Safety service area.

Bình Định Province Lighthouses
Hòn Nước
1997. Active; focal plane about 72 m (236 ft); white flash every 5 s. Approx. 22 m (72 ft) round cylindrical white concrete tower with lantern and gallery. 1-story keeper's house painted white. Nhà ở và Du Lịch has a 2022 photo, Lưu Văn Cam has a February 2018 photo, a 2019 view is available, and Google has a satellite view of the station. The lantern was added when the lighthouse was restored in 2017. Dan Baldini has a January 2016 photo of the original appearance of the lighthouse. Located on a promontory at Xuân Thành about 60 km (37 mi) north northeast of Qui Nhơn. Site status unknown; may be accessible by a short walk from Xuân Thành. Admiralty F3177.
Phước Mai (Qui Nhơn ) (2?)
1975 (station established 1904). Active; focal plane 54 m (177 ft); three white flashes, in a 2+1 pattern, every 15 s. 8 m (26 ft) round white concrete tower with gallery. Thanh Phuong Nguyen has a 2020 closeup photo, Ngoc Minh Hoang has a view of the station, a 2007 photo of the top of the tower is available, and Google has a satellite view. VSMS lists 1975 as the date of this lighthouse but the modern light may be a refurbishment of the 1904 French tower. Located at the end of the Phước Mai peninsula, which shelters the harbor of Qui Nhơn (Quy Nhon). Site status unknown. ARLHS VIE-047; Admiralty F3162; NGA 20332.
Qui Nhơn Fairway Range Front
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 10 m (33 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. 10 m (33 ft) round tower with a large circular gallery, colored with red and white horizontal bands and mounted on a circular pier. No photo available but Google has a satellite view. Located about 400 m (1/4 mi) offshore south of the rear light (next entry). Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F3162.05.
* Qui Nhơn Fairway Range Rear
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 17 m (56 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. 17 m (56 ft) triangular skeletal tower colored with red and white horizontal bands and carrying a diamond-shaped daymark. Dan Baldini has a closeup photo, Dũng Trần has a 2023 street view, and Google has a satellite view. Located beside Xuân Diệu Street on the waterfront of Qui Nhơn. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F3162.051.
Cù Lao Xanh (Phuoc Chau, Poulo Gambir)
1904. Active; focal plane 119 m (390 ft); four white flashes, in a 3+1 pattern, every 15 s. 17 m (56 ft) round stone tower with lantern and double gallery, painted white with one black horizontal band. Nam Nguyễn's 2020 closeup is at right, Nguyễn Phạm Song Thương has a photo, a 2007 photo is available, Ton That Duy Quang has a 2019 view, Quoc Nam Alex has a distant street view, and Google has a satellite view. The lighthouse was renovated in 1984.One Vietnamese source gives 1890 as the establishment date for this station, but all other sources have 1904. Located at the highest point of an island about 10 km (6 mi) off the coast and 20 km (13 mi) southeast of Qui Nhơn. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower status unknown. . ARLHS VIE-012; Admiralty F3158; NGA 20364.

Cù Lao Xanh (Poulo Gambir) Light, Bình Định, July 2020
Google Maps photo by Nam Nguyễn

Phú Yên Province Lighthouses
* Gành Đèn
2002. Active; focal plane 22.5 m (74 ft); white flash every 5 s. 10 m (33 ft) hexagonal cylindrical concrete tower with gallery, painted with red and white horizontal bands. Tuong Van has a closeup photo, Võ Văn Tịnh also has a photo, Long Đỗ has a 2020 photo, Khánh Nguyễn has a street view, and Google has a satellite view. Located on a rocky promontory about 10 km (6 mi) northeast of Chí Thành. Site open, tower closed. . Admiralty F3156.
* Đà Rằng (Tuy Hòa)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 20.5 m (67 ft); two white flashes every 6 s. 17 m (56 ft) square cylindrical tower with gallery, centered on a 2-story keeper's house. Lighthouse painted white; keeper's house painted yellow with white trim. Ba Dam Phan has a 2021 photo, Dan Baldini has a closeup photo and Google has a satellite view. Located on the north side of the entrance to Tuy Hòa, the capital of Phú Yên province. Site open, tower may also be open. Admiralty F3155.8
*** Mũi Đại Lãnh (Mũi Điện, Cap Varella) (2)
1904 (station established 1890). Active; focal plane 110 m (361 ft); three white flashes every 15 s. 26.5 m (87 ft) round stone tower with lantern and gallery. Lighthouse painted white, lantern dome black. Khanh Do's 2020 photo is at right, a 2018 photo and a 2007 photo are available, Hà Phạm Duy has another 2007 photo, Trịnh Xuân Trinh has a street view, and Google has a satellite view. The original tower had a focal plane height of only 14 m (46 ft). The present lighthouse was renovated in 1997 and appears to be in excellent condition. The light station buildings appear to include a visitor center and/or museum. Mũi Điện Lãnh (Cap Varella) is the easternmost point of the Vietnamese coast. Located on the point of the cape, about 40 km (25 mi) south southeast of Tuy Hòa. Accessible by road. Site and tower open; Erik Bjers has a street view taken from the gallery. . ARLHS VIE-011; Admiralty F3154; NGA 20368.

Khánh Hòa Province Lighthouses
Hòn Nưa
2002. Active; focal plane 87.5 m (287 ft); four white flashes every 15 s. 10 m (33 ft) hexagonal cylindrical concrete tower with gallery, painted red. Huỳnh Thanh Phong has a closeup photo, a 2019 closeup is available and Google has a satellite view. A sibling of the Gành Đèn light. Located atop an island about 13 km (8 mi) southwest of Mũi Điện. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3151.
Hòn Đỏ Range Front (Beacon A)
2021. Active; focal plane 58 m (190 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. Approx. 15 m (49 ft) square white skeletal tower. No photo available but Google has an indistinct satellite view. This range guides ships into a deep but narrow channel on the east side of Vân Phong Bay. Located on an island in the eastern basin of the bay. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3153.4.

Mũi Đại Lãnh (Cap Varella) Light, Phú Yên, June 2020
Google Maps photo by Khanh Do
Hòn Đỏ Range Rear (Beacon B)
2021. Active; focal plane 81 m (266 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. Approx. 15 m (49 ft) square white skeletal tower. No photo available but Google has a satellite view. Located on a forested peninsula of the mainland 1.4 km (0.87 mi) north northwest of the front light. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3153.5.
Hòn Đỏ (Hòn Hèo, Hòn Theo)
1997. Active; focal plane 81 m (266 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 11.5 m (38 ft) round cylindrical concrete tower. Huy Hồ has a 2020 photo and Google has a satellite view of the station. Located on Hòn Đỏ, an island in the entrance to the bay of Văn Phong, about 30 km (19 mi) northeast of Nha Trang. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3152.
*** Mũi Chụt (Bao Đai, Nha Trang)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 42 m (138 ft); continuous white light. 15 m (49 ft) short white skeletal tower atop a hexagonal masonry tower with gallery rising from a 2-story building. Lighthouse painted a light cream color. Thi Pham has the photo at right, Minh Trí Trần has a 2019 closeup, Trabas has Jim Smith's photo, and Google has a closeup street view and a satellite view. The building, known as Bao Đai, was originally a villa owned by the royal family of Vietnam. It appears to be open as a museum. Located on a promontory at the south end of Nha Trang, marking the passage between the mainland and the island of Hòn Lớn (Hòn Tre). Site and building open, tower closed. ARLHS VIE-033; Admiralty F3150; NGA 20376.
Hòn Lớn (Mũi Rach Trang, Hòn Tre)
1890. Active; focal plane 102 m (335 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. 16 m (52 ft) round masonry tower with lantern and gallery, painted with black and white horizontal bands and standing in front of a keeper's house. Vohungx Cao has a closeup photo, Son Hai has a 2018 photo, Ngoc Minh Hoang has a photo of the lantern, Trabas has Jim Smith's distant view, and Bing has a satellite view. The island of Hòn Lớn is being developed as a beach resort but it's not clear if visitors will have access to the lighthouse. Located at Mũi (cape) Rach Trang, the eastern point of the island of Hòn Lớn, about 16 km (10 mi) southeast of Nha Trang. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. ARLHS VIE-029; Admiralty F3148; NGA 20372.

Mũi Chụt Light, Khành Hóa, October 2018
Google Maps photo by Thi Pham
Ba Ngòi (Vịnh Cam Ranh, Cam Ranh Bay) (2)
2003 (station establishment date unknown). Active; focal plane 89.5 m (294 ft); three white flashes, in a 2+1 pattern, every 7 s. 9 m (30 ft) square tower mounted on a round masonry tower attached to the front of a keeper's house. Entire lighthouse painted beige. The VMS-South page has a closeup photo and Google has a satellite view. The original lighthouse was damaged beyond repair during the Vietnam War; a 1967 photo posted by Thắng Nguyễn Xuânis shows a closeup of the damage. The magnificent elliptical harbor of Cam Ranh Bay is entered through a narrow strait between two high, forested peninsulas. This lighthouse is located atop the headland on the north side of the entrance. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3136.
Pointe Bai-Sau (?)
Date unknown. Active(?); focal plane 8.5 m (28 ft); red flash every 4 s. 7.5 m (25 ft) round conical stone tower painted with black and white horizontal bands. The lighthouse is seen in a historic photo from 1969-70 posted by Thắng Nguyễn Xuân but it is not seen in Google's satellite view of the area. Located on a sandy point adjacent to the Cam Ranh airstrip, an important U.S. base during the Vietnam War. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3138; NGA 20388.
*** Hòn Chút (Bình Hưng) (2)
1988 (station established 1907). Active; focal plane 59 m (194 ft); white flash every 5 s. 16 m (52 ft) octagonal cylindrical masonry tower with gallery, rising from a 1- or 2-story keeper's house. Lighthouse painted gray, keeper's house white. Thành Phan Rang's 2023 photo is at right, Thong Tmthong has a photo, Ngoc Nguyen has a closeup showing the lighthouse door open, Lân Trần has a similar photo, Thai Nguyen An Minh has a distant street view and a second street view from the gallery of the lighthouse, and Google has a satellite view. Located at the northeastern tip of Hòn Chút (Little Island, an island on the south side of the entrance to Cam Ranh Bay. Site and tower open. . ARLHS VIE-023; Admiralty F3134; NGA 20384.

Hòn Chút Light, Khành Hóa, January 2023
Google Maps photo by Thành Phan Rang

Nình Thuận Province Lighthouse
Mũi Dinh (Cà Ná, Cap Padaran) (2)
1904 (station established 1889). Active; focal plane 186 m (610 ft); three white flashes, in a 2+1 pattern, every 16 s. 16 m (52 ft) square cylindrical granite tower with lantern and gallery. The lighthouse was formerly painted white, but it appears that the paint on the tower has worn away and will not be replaced; the lantern and gallery are still painted white. Thằng Hề Khóc's 2018 photo is at right, Đời Sống also has a closeup, Quan Le Phuong Quy has a 2021 photo, and Google has a street view and a satellite view. Located on the point of Mũi Dinh, a prominent cape near the southern end of the Central Highlands, about 40 km (25 mi) south of Phan Rang. Site status unknown. . ARLHS VIE-034; Admiralty F3122; NGA 20404.

Bình Thuận Province Lighthouses
* Phan Rí
2004. Active; focal plane 19 m (62 ft); four white flashes every 10 s. 16 m (52 ft) 4-story building with the light mounted on the roof. Lighthouse painted a dark orange-yellow with green trim. Tiệm Điện Long Thái has a photo, a distant drone view is available, and Google has a satellite view. This lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbor of Bắc Bình. Located on the east side of the mouth of the Phan Rí river. Site status unknown, probably open; tower closed. Admiralty F3121.
* Phan Thiết (Cà Ty) (2)
2000. Active; focal plane 15 m (49 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. 10 m (33 ft) round cylindrical concrete tower with gallery. The concrete is colored with red and white horizontal bands. 2-story keeper's house painted light green with darker green trim. Trabas has Köhler's photo, Hữu Phát Nguyễn has a 2020 closeup, Huy Trung has a 2023 photo, and Google has a satellite view. This lighthouse replaces the original light, a short metal tower that had a 20 m (66 ft) focal plane. Located on a sand spit that encloses the east side of the harbor of Phan Thiết. The site appears open; tower closed. Admiralty F3117.

Mũi Dinh Light, Nình Thuận, August 2018
Google Maps photo by Thằng Hề Khóc
** Kê Gà (Mui Ke Ga)
1900. Active; focal plane 65 m (213 ft); four white flashes, in a 3+1 pattern, every 20 s. 41 m (135 ft) octagonal granite tower with lantern and gallery. Vietnam's second tallest lighthouse. Stephan Knopf's photo is at the top of this page, there's a good 2007 photo, Trabas has Köhler's photo, Tấn Tài Cao has a 2022 closeup, Ivan Osoff has a drone view, Phạm Việt Hùng has a closeup street view, and Google has a satellite view. This historic tower was renovated in 1975. Located on an island off the point of Mũi Kê Gà, a prominent cape about 40 km (25 mi) south southwest of Phan Thiết. Boat transportation to the island is available. Site open; the keepers offer tours of the tower. . ARLHS VIE-030; Admiralty F3116; NGA 20412.
Phú Quý
1997. Active; focal plane 124 m (407 ft); two white flashes every 15 s. 20 m (66 ft) square cylindrical concrete tower with lantern and gallery. 2-story concrete keeper's house. As of 2023 the tower is painted black; the lantern and keeper's house are painted yellow with white trim; lantern roof is gray metallic. Anh Vu's photo is at right Hoai Luong has a 2021 photo, Thanh Tin Le has a 2017 drone view, Cam Lưu Văn has a closeup, another photo is available, and Google has a satellite view. Phú Quý is a volcanic island in the South China Sea 120 km (75 mi) southeast of Phan Thiết. The island has a population of 20,000 and is the base of a fishing fleet. The Bình Thuận province government is also developing the island as a resort, and the lighthouse is mentioned as one of the attractions. Transportation to the island from Phan Thiết is available. Located on the slope of Mount Câm, near the northwestern corner of the island. Site presumably open; tower status unknown. ARLHS VIE-046; Admiralty F3120; NGA 20406.
Triều Dương
2001. Active; focal plane 11.5 m (38 ft); four white flashes, in a 3+1 pattern, every 12 s. 10 m (33 ft) concrete tower painted with red and white horizontal bands. Ngu Tam has a 2018 photo and Google has a satellite view. Nhựt Trịnh Minh has a photo of two similar but smaller lights at the ends of the nearby breakwaters. Located on a reef off the southern tip of Phú Quý island, just outside the east breakwater of the harbor. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F3120.5.
Hòn Hải (Poulo Sapate)
2004. Active; focal plane 122 m (400 ft); three white flashes, in a 2+1 pattern, every 10 s. 10.5 m (34 ft) hexagonal concrete tower with lantern and double gallery. Lê Phú Linh has a closeup photo and a distant view frrom the sea and Do Van Tuan has a 2020 photo, but Google's satellite view lacks detail on the islet. The lantern has been raised above the level of the original gallery. Located atop a small but spectacularly steep island about 65 km (40 mi) south of Phú Quý. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F3120.7.

Phú Quý Light, Bình Thuận Province, March 2023
Google Maps photo by Anh Vu


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Posted April 24, 2006. Checked and revised March 16, 2024. Lighthouses: 48. Site copyright 2024 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.