RE: [compost_tea] RE:Membership Drift

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 21:26:06 -0700

Couldn't agree more.

I sent a message in private but folks here, and on every list, need to start
using technology. Most popular email clients (programs) typically have a
filtering capability. If you are going to join email lists, you NEEEEED to
know how to use these filters. Email lists jobs are to send messages to
bulk groups. That implies many messages from different people. Configure
these filters to shuffle off specific emails from the given list (ie where
'subject' contains "[compost_tea]") to a subfolder (ie "Compost Tea Mail")
in your email program.

Doing this will help keep these messages from cluttering your InBox. Click
your email client's Help and learn about using their filtering function.
Heck, you can even filter messages from mjbosko _at_ jmtsystems . com directly
to the trash if you so wished. Naaw. you wouldn't do that... ok. well.

Thanks yous?
I like to belong to a friendly list of knowledgeable people (use your
filters and this won't appear so bad).

Personal questions?
Ok, I can see not asking what color tie goes with my green shoes, but a
personal question could very well interest the group. There are no dumb
questions, right?

I'm very curious. What activities are bothering you? I would suggest, out
of courtesy, that no one send invitations to their birthday party unless you
invite the whole group... but ... what activities have been mentioned that
are making folks want to ship out?

  -----Original Message-----
  From: ray gore []
  Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] RE:Membership Drift

  yeah really, who let the SS in. The way i see it with
  the amount of traffic in here lately, nobody is
  getting squeezed out. So if you have a topic to
  discuss then bring it up. Or, if you dont like what
  were talking about then theres always the history
  --- Robert Norsen <> wrote:
> OK Tim why don't youl ist the approved topics so we
> can all have it your way. Bob
> Tim Kiphart <> wrote:IMHO, membership
> has drifted down sharply because there is (1) too
> much"selling" (2) too much sending of messages to
> the list that should be
> sent offline, one on one, i.e thank yous, personal
> questions or
> activities(3) AND too much bantering on about
> certain subjects i.e mesh
> versus microns.
> I am all for discussing issues and concerns
> throughly, BUT "beating a dead
> horse" gets old. It interferes with the flow of
> discussion and most people
> find it less than exciting or pertinent
> to their interests.
> With all due respect this is what a moderator is
> for...I know Jeff has tried
> to address these issues.
> SUGGESTION: Take it offline. If selling or sending
> inappropriate messages
> continue, then the moderator needs to boot the
> offending party off the list.
> There are mechanisms to do this thru Yahoo. We are
> all adults here and it is
> ridiculous that we can't respect a few simple
> guidelines. 3 STRIKES AND YOUR
> OUT. As a relative newbie to list...If you want to
> keep folks, not just
> newbies, engaged follow the guidelines, otherwise
> you keep the majority from
> learning. Don't ruin this great resource for the
> rest of us.
> Respectfully
> Tim Kiphart
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Received on Fri Sep 26 2003 - 01:32:56 EDT

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