RE: [compost_tea] RE:Membership Drift

From: Tim Kiphart <>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 10:02:47 -0500

Bob, Ray

Guys, you are really over reacting here. What I stated is only what has
been put forth by Jeff as moderator of the Listserve....nothing more nothing
less, and the FACT is certain people are not following those guidelines.

I like the CT listserve AND the History Channel. I have learned a great
deal from listening to many exchanges, including from both of you.

Because you asked...the group does not need to hear "the Bitti is in the
mail" or "Thank you for explaining this or that" or I am traveling to such
and such.....those of offline topics, AS explained and set forth by the

Jeff, care to moderate this.



 -----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen []
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] RE:Membership Drift

  OK Tim why don't youl ist the approved topics so we can all have it your
way. Bob

  Tim Kiphart <> wrote:
    IMHO, membership has drifted down sharply because there is (1) too
    much"selling" (2) too much sending of messages to the list that should
    sent offline, one on one, i.e thank yous, personal questions or
    activities(3) AND too much bantering on about certain subjects i.e mesh
    versus microns.

    I am all for discussing issues and concerns throughly, BUT "beating a
    horse" gets old.. It interferes with the flow of discussion and most
    find it less than exciting or pertinent
    to their interests.

    With all due respect this is what a moderator is for...I know Jeff has
    to address these issues.

    SUGGESTION: Take it offline. If selling or sending inappropriate
    continue, then the moderator needs to boot the offending party off the
    There are mechanisms to do this thru Yahoo. We are all adults here and
it is
    ridiculous that we can't respect a few simple guidelines. 3 STRIKES AND
    OUT. As a relative newbie to list...If you want to keep folks, not just
    newbies, engaged follow the guidelines, otherwise you keep the majority
    learning. Don't ruin this great resource for the rest of us.


    Tim Kiphart


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Received on Fri Sep 26 2003 - 11:49:52 EDT

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