Re: [compost_tea] small brewers for non-profit community groups

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 20:05:11 -0700 (PDT)

Clay for such a small amount, start with warm water - 90F from a domestic water heater. Carry it in a bucket to the brewer mix with any other water to get 80 to 85 F water. Start the brewer. If under any cover it will still be above 60F at the end of the cycle. Warm enough. You don't want microbes that grow in 80F water to go to your 50 F soil. Use the cool water, run the brew longer if needed. If you have an O2 meter you can detect when the O2 depression is passing when that O2 has dipped and come back up your brew cycle is completed. ACT is ready to use. If no O2 meter wait for 32 to 36 hours of brew cycle time. If no foam in the early cycle when foam starts to form that is another sign that microbes have becme active. If foam starts at the beginningof the cycle that is just one of the nutrients causing the foam.
As for brewers in that size the KIS is OK, the Bitti is equal or you can make your own for the same cost as either of those. An aquarium pump of proven 2 CFM, an air stone about 3" long put the solids LOOSELY in a nylon sock, hang loose in the bubble stream. If you want 5 g or 50 liters, or more hang in a large waste basket rather than a 50 L pail. Better to have some "freeboard" to prevent foam or splash going all over.
If the area is quite cold or windy, cold wrap the basket with a throw a way blanket of any kind, cover everything including the top, air to breath comes f rom your pump. If it is too cold for that why are you doing TEA?
Whatever else you do, help the folks learn about the soil food web and why they should be doing this in larger aeas. All over Australia!!! Say g'day to the folk there from Seattle, Bob

If you woud rather buy I'll pop for the freight, Seattle to wherever you say.
clay <> wrote:
hey group

the urban community cityfarm i work on is only 3000m2 and I am trying to
either buy or make a brewer that would cover this area.

I recently bought the compost brewers manual/soil biology primer, just got
them yesterday. In the brewers manual Elaine suggests 50-150L per hec, so Im
thinking we would only really need a 20-50L brewer.

The KIS 5-Gallon Compost Tea Brewer has been recommended but does not have a
water heater, i thought this was important?

As the farm does not have a lot of money, Im considering making one out of
aquarium parts, though this does not seem to be recommended in the brewers
manual. Also testing a home made brewer could become more expensive than
buying a proven brand.

I really want to get started on this but am feeling very confused on which
is the cheapest way to go for a community group while still maintaining
quality control.

any advice?

Clayton Chipper

East Perth City Farm
ph. 089 325 7229
Fax. 089 325 7210

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