[compost_tea] UK beginner

From: Stuart Baxter <stu.baxter_at_virgin.net>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 17:08:04 +0100

Many thanks to all that replied :o}
    I think I'll move my bits and bobs kit to the garage, insulate it and m=
aybe get a small aquarium heater to stop it getting real cold, and try brew=
ing at a lower temperature over the winter. I can use some tea on houseplan=
ts and the rest can go to the soil whether it does any good or not. I'm try=
ing to get the basics right and temp seems the biggest variable......it see=
ms to foam right at bedtime so I'm probably overcooking it. Lots to think a=

Are there any others out there from this part of the world?

I'd quite like to see unproven ideas put forward.....sorry, yes I know cust=
omers look in too. If I had an idea that may have some merit I couldn't aff=
ord to send samples to Holland for a suite of tests done at SFI Labs; much =
too expensive! If marked clearly as an idea others would be able to comment=
, test it themselves, and customers would see a quest for continuous improv=
ement. Oh well, another 2 cents worth.......waiting to be shot down :o}

Be well


Received on Sat Sep 27 2003 - 13:22:29 EDT

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