Re: [compost_tea] brewing native microbes

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 10:00:13 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Elaine, If you and others can't talk about the stuff we do, use and offer, thus make known or available to others of the list, why do we have a list? If anyone doesn't need that information the delete button works in .06 milliseconds. wrote:In Australia, there is a company beginning to sell AUSTRALIAN mycorrhizal fungi.

Not just VAM fungi "grown" in Australia. Hum, wonder where that VAM fungus actually was isolated from?

In Australia, we need to have companies that make local inocula of indigenous organisms to inoculate compost and soils with the local beneficials. We have helped start companies in the US that do these kinds of inocula, and SFI would be willing to help others get started as well.

In OZ, please contact Merline Olson at the SFI lab in Lismore. In the US, you need to talk to me.

I apologize about any possible sales-promotion that might be occurring in this message, but I think it applies as part of the answer. Further discussion between people interested in the business angles should talk to Merline or myself privately. If continued discussion of the concept is desired, that probably remains a list topic. Right?

President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
SFI Oregon, USA
SFI Australia
SFI New York
SFI Europe
SFI New Zealand

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Received on Sat Sep 27 2003 - 13:22:30 EDT

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