[compost_tea] Re: Air Required was: Air pump selection & 5 gal brewer

From: <Lmvine1_at_cs.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 09:48:24 EDT

In a message dated 10/1/2003 12:31:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
kirk_at_oregonatural.com writes:
> Jeff's asking how much air is enough is a question I'd
> like to see discussed, as I think it's important.

Paul Wagner _at_SFI in NY in personal telecon several months ago said
1L/min/gallon is air objective (minimum).
>From my experience this seems about right.

28.3L/min = 1CFM
So for 5 gallons, need 5L/min or .18CFM.
For 15 gallons 15L/min or .53CFM

I think this is a case where more is better, up to a point of course. Dan

Received on Thu Oct 02 2003 - 12:39:15 EDT

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