[compost_tea] chloramines/flourine/etc

From: Gail Raby <graby_at_midsouth.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2003 19:37:13 -0500

Subject: chloramines/flourine/etc

I have heard that the use of citric acid will quickly dissipate
chlorine. (Some people used Tang for this purpose; I have bought
citric acid --food grade-- rather cheaply through Ozark food coop
which serves a goodly portion of the midsouth).

My questions:
1. Is it true that citric acid will instantly?? quickly?? dissapate
2. Ditto for chloramines
3. Is citric acid harmful to soil bacteria; if so at what concentration?
4. Other than deprogramming water (flowforms/stirring/various
   water vortexial "enliveners", is there any way to remove flourine
   or its deleterous effects. Do these actually achieve that? I accept
    (my belief) it is deleterous to human health; is there a deleterous
    effect on soil life, or plant life?
5. Has anyone here used some of the water "enliveners" such as
   the wasserwirbler or other such technology to reprogram water?
6. Tom, you suggest the use of a whole house filter; this would
    certainly give better water not only for drinking and bathing,
    but for water applied to the lawn/beds/plants. Could you
    share any knowledge about which you use and why you chose
    that particular system over others.



Received on Sat Oct 04 2003 - 22:50:00 EDT

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