Re: [compost_tea] Getting Oxygen into Tea and Preserving Fungi At The Same Time

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:59:32 -0800


This is my first post. I have been working with brewers of my own design f=
or two years. I have smaller "mechanical" brewers that use an impellor sys=
tem and larger brewers that use aeration systems. I have done extensive wo=
rk on getting fungal content into the tea and have found some interesting f=
acts. One is that fungi cannot be grown in the tea the same as bacteria. F=
ungi can be extracted from compost containing fungi. The two have differen=
t growth rates. The forces needed for extraction are very exact. Too muc=
h force kills too many organisms to be practical.

For examples of aeration, start with investigations of the food industry. =
They have been aerating liquids far longer than anyone working with compost=
 tea and have solutions for many of the issues I have seen raised in this g=

The type of brewer is important. Bag or canister systems have a whole set =
of issues that must be examined.

Depth vs. surface area. "Gee, my 50 Gal. works great. I'll just duplicate=
 it at 200 Gal." -- Doesn't work. Moving 50 Gal of liquid is an entirely d=
ifferent matter from moving 200 Gal. Again, look to the food processing in=
dustry for guides.

Getting the tea with fungi out of the brewer is another issue as is spray. =
 You have to assume that every transfer process kills organisms. The only =
thing that must be decided is how many must die before the tea becomes fung=
ally useless. Bacteria are far more resilient (and smaller) so the impact =
of transfer and spraying systems are less.

I and my business partner have successfully: treated grapes to combat power=
dy mildew, restored a public park and reduced water usage, controlled fecal=
 colorform propagation in composted biosolids and reestablished entire soil=
 ecosystems using compost tea.

Ted Peterson, Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: chris reid
  To: Compost Tea
  Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 4:47 AM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Getting Oxygen into Tea and Preserving Fungi At Th=
e Same Time

  With compost tea, there are two considerations: 1) oxygen transfer and 2=
  getting oxygen into the water in a way that is not damaging to the

Received on Wed Oct 29 2003 - 15:17:19 EST

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