Re: [compost_tea] Re: Begginer help

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 09:56:24 -0900

Oliver asked about an inexpensive nutrient mixes.
Inexpensive is a relative term, but none of the mixes in the Compost Tea Ma=
nual are expensive. Kelp, fish hydrolyses, rock dusts and Molasses are very=
 easy to find and, again, definitely not expensive.

However, if you want the cheapest mix,put some time into your compost. . Th=
is is where the organisms come from in the first instance and no matter wha=
t the nutrient mix, this is where the pedal hits the metal, not the at nutr=
ient mix level.



Received on Sat Nov 01 2003 - 14:22:31 EST

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