Re: [compost_tea] Mushrooms

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 15:36:57 -0900


I've been spraying my lawns with ACT for three years now. The numbers and d=
iversity of mushrooms in them now compared to before is simply staggering. =
There is no doubt that this is a result of the teas I have been applying to=
 them. I get similar, but not nearly as stunning numbers in our gardens. =
In fact, what I look for now to know that my teas are working are mushrooms=
 and worms.-----incidentally, the number of worms in these lawns is also st=
aggering. ACT works to reestablish the soil foodweb.


Received on Mon Nov 03 2003 - 22:43:19 EST

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