Re: [compost_tea] info on composting system

From: David Loring <>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 07:35:03 -0800

Mike - ATTRA is always a good place to start.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Mike Harvey
  Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 4:24 AM
  Subject: [compost_tea] info on composting system

  I have been aproached by a quasi govt organisation regarding helping set =
up a integrated waste management and fertility management system.
  Is there any one out there who has done this already or know of a system =
in place already that will save us reinventing the wheel?????????.
  The objective is to reduce utrophication of waterways (from excessive fer=
t) , manage waste from the farm in an economic manner as well as increase p=
rofitability and improve quality of produce from the farm.
  The system we invisage is as follows.
  Dairy Farm
  Manure from the cows would be composted in a static compost heap using fo=
rced air to help breakdown.
  This stack would likely go anaerobic and would need to be left for some t=
ime to break down 6 months to a year perhaps. This partially composted prod=
uct would than be fed to worms to form vermi compost. This product would th=
en be used to make compost tea or liquified vermicompost and sprayed onto =
the pasture thus completing the cycle.
  We plan to do Soil and compost Food web testing and hope to be able to sh=
ow improvements in the soil food web using this system.
  The system must be simple and must be economic, there will be funding to =
develop this system over the next few years with a budget to include SFI te=
sting to tune the system.
  Any help would be appreciated, I imagine the Kiwis will have something li=
ke this in existence already so if you can help please let us know.
  Regards Mike Harvey

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Received on Tue Nov 04 2003 - 12:44:57 EST

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