RE: [compost_tea] Re: Cornell Tests

From: Tom Jaszewski <>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 11:15:05 -0800

Does anyone have access to the data from this study? I'm curious because in
my limited real world experience with fungicide use in turf (15 years), I've
yet to see the suppression levels achieved with fungicides compare to
bacterial tea in my first year of tea production.

I'm thrilled for Paul and Bob and am certain of the success of their
products, but as always, would like to read and have the study reviewed.
Standard test methodologies are not very reliable when testing tea. We must
remember it is NOT an 'icide and as such does not produce results in the
same manner. It's very likely that the fertilizer type and use played a huge
part!! I continue to be dumfounded when the tests continue to be contrary to
real world experience and believe it is attributable to testing methods and
cultural practice..if only we had a Dow or Monsanto budget!!!!

Tom Jaszewski

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen []
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Paul Sachs
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: Cornell Tests

Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: Cornell Tests

Thanks for the report Paul. Good that the dollar spot was suppressed by
orgaic means. While the chemicals did better during the test will Cornell
follow up to see what happens during the following months? Some
experrience has been that the organic solution resulted in healthier grass
with better suppression over TIME. That is how organic stuff is suppposed
to perform? A great series of tests by Paul and SFI NY reports for the
Bob's brewers is at <> .
 Paul Sachs <> wrote:
Hi Bob,

I went to the New York State Turfgrass Association's conference in Rochester
this week (just got back late last night) and saw Cornell's (Frank Rossi's)
test data at one of the sessions. He tested about a dozen different
products for dollar spot suppression on bent grass growing in sand. Three
of the products were chemical fungicides which gave 100% suppression but
most of the rest were bio-fungicides and two were compost teas (one made
with the Earth Works brewer and one made with the Bitti- Of ALL the
non-chemical treatments, tea from the Bitti- resulted in the HIGHEST level
of dollar spot suppression (65%). Congratulations.

What was interesting to me is that the tea he made was relatively inferior
(as tested by SFNY) compared with the numbers I and others had been getting
using the Bitti-Bobolator. But, who's to say whether the superior numbers
would have resulted in better dollar spot suppression. Feel free to post
this with the group if you like.

By the way, Frank told me he'd like to continue the study next year and
asked if we were still "in," which means (I think), are we willing to cough
up more $$$.

Paul Sachs
North Country Organics
P.O. Box 372
203 Depot St
Bradford, VT 05033
fax 802.222.9661 <> <>

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Received on Sat Nov 08 2003 - 17:45:46 EST

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