[compost_tea] Herb and Weed Teas - as mineral supplements to the soil/soil life

From: Scott Alexander <daylily_at_bigpond.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 22:50:59 +1000

  Scott asked about plant teas.
  They are plant teas when you take the plant material, put it in a contain=
er, add water, and let ferment. And make no mistake, it is fermentation.
  The brew usually goes anaerobic while the bacteria are using the simple s=
ugars from the plant material, but as the simple sugars get used up, growth=
 rates decline, and oxygen diffuses into the brew faster than it is used up=
, and the tea returns to the aerobic condition.

  I (and the group i spoke to) would like to know - If the mixture was aer=
ated, would the weeds and herbs break
  down more rapidly and be available to use in a much shorter time?

  I have heard somewhere (probably at the one-and-only bio-dynamics worksho=
p I went to many years ago) that the predominant weed is able to supply the=
 needs of the soil. I took that to mean that the major minerals, and trace =
elements could be added back to the soil by applying these plant teas. Some=
one in this group probably knows which weeds have a predominance of which m=
inerals, and which weeds are telling us something about our soil .

  So . . . . when the plant teas are "ready" would they be safe to add at =
the beginning of a AACT brew OR would it be best at the end, just prior to =
application??? I have lots of huge thistles (supplies copper, I think), Cob=
blers Pegs, plantain, and a host of other weeds and I reckon these could ma=
ke a very "nutritious" soil additive once they've fermented.


Received on Sun Nov 16 2003 - 09:58:55 EST

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