Re: [compost_tea] preliminary report 111703

From: Perry Clutts <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 12:16:58 -0500


Do you have a close up of the activated AH? I'm not quite sure what I'm sup=
posed to be looking for... I've had both the white fluffy and the long stri=
ngy type when I've pre-activated..., but nothing that looks like your photo=
. Is that indicative of AH, or can that be achieved with regular compost? C=
ould you describe what it was like before you put it in the brew and add mo=
re about how you activated it? Good photo... would be nice to have photos o=
f both the good and bad types to help identify them... could put them in Ch=
ris's BMP sheet!

What type of DO2 meter are you using and how do you get the data into the E=
xcel format?

Great report, thanks,


Received on Wed Nov 19 2003 - 12:40:22 EST

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