[compost_tea] preliminary report 111703

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 00:42:10 -0800 (PST)

Warning - this is a test report, pure science, no hype. But it may read to some like advertizing. Please don't look if you are sensitive to advetizing on week days. Save to sunday..

This is data from a Bob's Brewer test. . Kevin, in his new role as an SFI adviser held my feet to the fire while we carefully made a 50 gallon brew using a BobOLator augmented with a second equal aerator operating directly in the 50 gallon tank. Compost was 7 lbs Alaska Humus activated 3 days with 22oz whole oat flour. Snow white fungi bloom!! Nutrients were 1 "Fungalfels" prepac for 50 g brew. No other nutrients. Good stuff Jeff! We recorded D O2 the whole 20.5 hour brew.

We sweated nails - almost broke up the team - as the DO2 went below 5.5 on the meter. Not far below but below. Decided to stay with the standard (double) aeration thru all the #%_at_& dips. This IS the standard double aerated brewer available. The D O2 graph appears in an attachment. The picture of the brewer in action , a piece of the compost held above it. Note that the compost has become rigid, white with fungi. It was necessary to break the compost into small parts; due to the fungal hyphae it does not disolve or even break up easily in water. Does this explain why good organic soils do not erode in heavy rain? The second aerator is visible to the left of the BobO. Aeration action is evident.

Was the meter right ON? My back up meter broke at the first moment of the run so we couldn't double check the recording meter.

Naught but jubilation among us when we saw the preliminary report. Can't wait for Elaine's remarks and the protozoa numbers. . Sent another test in today. Bob and Kevin

Going for the 500g ag model next.

Attached one picture, the D O2 graph and the SFI preliminary report.


Getting Fungal.JPG
(image/jpeg attachment: Getting_Fungal.JPG)

Received on Wed Nov 19 2003 - 09:19:38 EST

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