Re: [compost_tea] HI-Yield & Dr. E

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 11:10:55 -0800

I must be in the minority here but the comments made by hi_yield make me th=
ink about the process differently and it has always been my practice to que=
stion any and all assumptions. The comments and skepticism don't bother me=
 at all. I would rather have than than a bunch of satraps giving hosannas =
to every pronouncement. I have read a lot of stuff on this list that has n=
othing to do with the concept of the SFW and, in fact, appear to be diamtri=
cally opposed to healthy SFW practices taken at face value and even support=
ed to a degree.

We have to admit that at this stage, brewing is still a little like psudosc=
ience as opposed to hard science because there are so many little understoo=
d variables. This doesn't mean that it doesn't work, it just means that an=
swers are still being found. Let's say it's a developing science that uses=
 some scientific method for validation of a process not totally understood.

Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 2:27 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] HI-Yield & Dr. E

  Excellent. HY has shown itself to be a troll. The rest of us have to ig=
nore it, and it will go away.

Received on Mon Nov 24 2003 - 16:43:36 EST

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