Re: [compost_tea] HI-Yield & Dr. E

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 21:34:46 -0800 (PST)

TED - do you or any of us expect to understand the microscopic life down there in the cool dark? . Bio Science is an endless (compost like) pile of unknowns. We are learning fast but there is far to go.
Agriculture is a vast industry doing what works. By searching for information we have found ways to improve on on what was done for centuries. Found ways to NOT DO some things that just started this half century. As much study as Elaine has given the subject she will be the first to assure you there is more to know than we know.
Is compost and ACT better than what came before? Is there be more to learn? Always. What will promote the ecology, the health scores, life on EARTH most -Critisizing progress until proving the biology in minute detail or a bunch of inspired satraps singing hozanas over bountiful results? Bob
Ted Peterson <> wrote:
I must be in the minority here but the comments made by hi_yield make me think about the process differently and it has always been my practice to question any and all assumptions. The comments and skepticism don't bother me at all. I would rather have than than a bunch of satraps giving hosannas to every pronouncement. I have read a lot of stuff on this list that has nothing to do with the concept of the SFW and, in fact, appear to be diamtrically opposed to healthy SFW practices taken at face value and even supported to a degree.
We have to admit that at this stage, brewing is still a little like psudoscience as opposed to hard science because there are so many little understood variables. This doesn't mean that it doesn't work, it just means that answers are still being found. Let's say it's a developing science that uses some scientific method for validation of a process not totally understood.
Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 2:27 AM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] HI-Yield & Dr. E

Excellent. HY has shown itself to be a troll. The rest of us have to ignore it, and it will go away.

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