Re: [compost_tea] Matt's CT Recipe

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 08:22:23 -0900


Nice test and report.

I cannot remember if you activated your compost/vermi before you made your=
 tea? If not, I am quite sure activation would increase your fine numbers!

You asked some questions. Here are my opinions!

Are two pounds enough for a 30 gallon brew. I think so judging by your test=
 results. The amount depends, in part, on the kind of brewer, but more impo=
rtant on the compost/humus you start with.

Insoluable humic acid and rock dusts are great fungal foods. I could never =
figure out why it isn't better to add it to the compost, however.

As for corn gluten, How does the corn gluten work as an activator in your c=
ompost? That is one good way to see if it is a good fungal food. Not all f=
ungi will go for it if it is, but if you don't see mycleium, I would questi=
on its value versus other things you are using. I wonder, too, how its use =
impacts germination. Have you tried? Isn't corn gluten applied in some part=
s of the country as a pre emergent?

As for Molassas (and other sugars), I never use them when I want teas with =
good fungal numbers and seem to always end up with adequate bacterial numbe=
rs. Obviously, anyone trying for better fungal numbers should consider nixi=
ng the sugars.

As for how many ingrediants are too many, that is anyone's call. I am a big=
 believer in using as few as possible and have my recipes down to three ing=
rediants. It may be that one or two of the items in your recipe are produci=
ng all the results and so the additionals are over kill. Still the results =
are in and you have a tea that meets the standards!

As for the comfrey, is it gathered when it is green and dried? Is it go in =
green or brown? Is it like hay? Might be a great protozoa food, but I doub=
t it had any impact on fungal growth in the tea. This is the kind of thing =
I would put into the compost.

Just my two cents! Thanks for sharing your information!



Received on Wed Nov 26 2003 - 14:08:41 EST

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