Re: [compost_tea] Good news?

From: <>
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 10:25:04 -0800

The simple answer is yes, sue, with extreme prejudice. Make an example
of her.
Bill wrote:

> Lynn Rogers was a technician in my lab, and learned a few of the SFI
> assays.
> Two and a half years ago, she told me she had to quit SFI to move to
> Seattle, where her husband was getting a much better paying job.
> They never left the Corvallis area. Her story was a lie.
> Lynn opened up Microbila Matrix with Joe Preston last May or June, and
> the two of them had a falling out by September.
> Lynn has re-structured the lab, and is now on her own.
> She doesn't know the recent improvements in the SFI testing that we
> have developed in the last two years. She doesn't have the data base
> that SFI has.,
> The tests that I've seen from her lab, she has messed up the template
> she took from SFI. The equations she is using to calculate fungal
> biomass are not correct.
> What I saw on a couple of the reports she put out had fungal biomass
> levels that were completely impossible in compost tea.
> If you want to use her lab, ask her where her data are that allows her
> to come up with the "desired ranges" on her reports.
> Should I sue her for using information from SFI that she has no right
> to be using? Or just ignore her?
> Elaine Ingham
> President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
> SFI Oregon, USA
> SFI Australia
> SFI New York
> SFI Europe
> SFI New Zealand
> "Hope is not a feeling. It is not the belief that things will turn out
> well, but the conviction that what we are doing makes sense, no matter
> how things turn out." -- Vaclav Havel, former President of the
> Czech Republic
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Received on Sat Dec 06 2003 - 11:43:08 EST

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