Re: [compost_tea] Re: What's the problem with dormant spores?

From: Matt Leamy <>
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 07:38:59 +1300

Bill, Chris and others.
No more data in that advert than in with the product referred to earlier.
The reason for the interest in that product is the manufacturer has been in=
 Organics and Bio Dynamics for a very long time and has a good reputation. =
 BUT ...Dr Elaine has hit the nail on the head. Unless it has data it can =
still slither.

>Matt how are the test results for the company you work for?
Reply: Their SFI results are excellent Bill but I no longer work for them, =
 too busy managing Organic Avos :)

Cheers Matt Leamy

  check out the one that is selling product as certified organic compost te=
a which is no more than a leachate and sold in 500ml and 1000ml sealed bott=
les, the product has been around along time and is a good product, is it co=
mpost tea?

  check them out and pass comment to them;

  Matt how are the test results for the company you work for?

  Bill Quinn.

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