RE: [compost_tea] Re: Good news?

From: Douglas G. Larson <>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 20:17:12 -0800

As to your last question, " Do we have to always have to follow a
paradigm of back-stabbing and undercutting in business? " my answer is
no. You always have choice in response both personally and in business.
Back-stabbing and under cutting are actions of someone coming from a
position of scarcity. Elaine, you have repeatedly shown a sincere desire
to further this industry as well as human kind in general. Since you
have made several attempts cooperate with
Ms. Rogers and company I see no obligation for you to do anything
further. As for litigation, an attroney can advise you on the merits of
your case. But even if the chances of winning in court are good, is it
worth the financial and energy expenditure? You must answer that for
Doug Larson,
Bothell, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: Good news?

There is the New York lab, and you can talk to Paul Wagner about what he

Talk to Eric Nelson at Cornell University. He's looked at these
methods, and knows that direct estimations are the way to go, given what
we need to know.

Talk to the people who do direct determinations in Australia, New
Zealand, Holland, and soon opening, Mexico, and Canada.

They are independent labs, I don't tell them what to think. But the
technology needs constant and consistent quality control. That's why
the labs are linked. When visual methods are used, you have to maintain
a solid frame of reference about what a fungus looks like. And that's
what the SFI lab system does - we maintain a constant testing system.

Which may be another reason that Microbial Matrix has such bizarre
numbers in their direct counts. One person. without any back-up, makes
mistakes. My lab folks are always checking with each t oher, and with
me, about whatthey are seeing. Is this a ciliate? Or what is it? You
have to have the back-up and the knowledge to know what you are doing.

When I found out last May that Lynn was starting a newI lab, even though
she was doig it dis-honestly, I asked Lynn Rogers if she didn't want to
work with us, to at least do the quality control assessments. She never
answered me.

I asked her again when I met her at a meeting in Corvallis is she didn't
want to at least work together on the quality assurance, and share data.
She never got back to me.

I asked her again, when she did finally send an e-mail, but I never got
a response back from her.

I have held out the hand of cooperation, and been ignored.

What is a person to do? Do we have to always have to follow a paradigm
of back-stabbing and undercutting in business?

Elaine Ingham
President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
SFI Oregon, USA
SFI Australia
SFI New York
SFI Europe
SFI New Zealand

"Hope is not a feeling. It is not the belief that things will turn out
well, but the conviction that what we are doing makes sense, no matter
how things turn out." -- Vaclav Havel, former President of the Czech

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