Re: [compost_tea] Re: Compost Tea Best Practices - Ingredients INPUT REQUESTED

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 21:33:19 -0800 (PST)

Chris and
Anthony - Great way to test qualitatively. Now to prove your test, do all you did but leave out the tea application. See if you get fungi from the other sources. Quantitative - Use a measured amount of tea, measured time, temp,nutrients.. Send some samples to SFI to get a handle on how much fungi there is in your sample. Not sure you can find a way to quantify the results but qualitative is certainly useful. I bet Elaine could / would help you find a quantitative way to approximate the fungi using your method. Bob

chris reid <> wrote:Anthony , and meant for this to come to the group. When I asked his
permission to share this with other people, he said that he had meant for
this to come to the group, but was having problems getting his posting
through to the board. Can people who can't afford testing use this idea as
a rough proxy to determine if they've got fungi in their tea? It would seem

Chris Reid

-----Original Message-----
> From: anthony []
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 2:21 AM
> To: chriscreid
> Subject: Re: Compost Tea Best Practices - Ingredients INPUT REQUESTED
> ---
> Chris
> I had similar thoughts about the whole thing about fungi surviving
> not only the brewing process but the application as well. So i
> decided upon some test. I call it POST BREW ACTIVATION OF FUNGI (well
> i have now:). I wanted an inert substance as to eliminate other
> fungal sources, so i didnt go for an organic material like wood
> chips - i got some fresh perlite - clay that has been cooked until it
> epands to form a honeycomb structure, its used in the potting game-
> im sure you all know it. Perlite is completely sterile and i thought
> that its porous structure would make the perfect fungal hotel. Like
> the pre-activation process, all i did was added some flour to the
> perlite, mixed it well so all of the particles were completely
> covered in the flour then after my brew cycle just drenched the stuff
> in tea. Then i put it in the incubator for a couple of days, sprayed
> a bit of diluted fulvic/kelp mix on it nightly to keep it moist and
> hey presto- you could see the hyphae. Havent done it for a while as
> it was all the proof i needed that the fungi grow relatively easily.
> I will do another soon soon and post some pics.
> cya
> Anthony

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