Re: [compost_tea] Re: Compost Tea Best Practices - Ingredients INPUT REQUESTED

From: Anthony Quinlan <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 13:42:33 +0800

will do bob!
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Norsen
  Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 1:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: Compost Tea Best Practices - Ingredients I=

  Chris and
  Anthony - Great way to test qualitatively. Now to prove your test, do al=
l you did but leave out the tea application. See if you get fungi from the =
other sources. Quantitative - Use a measured amount of tea, measured time,=
 temp,nutrients.. Send some samples to SFI to get a handle on how much fun=
gi there is in your sample. Not sure you can find a way to quantify the re=
sults but qualitative is certainly useful. I bet Elaine could / would hel=
p you find a quantitative way to approximate the fungi using your method. =

  chris reid <> wrote:
    Anthony , and meant for this to come to the group. When I asked his
    permission to share this with other people, he said that he had meant f=
    this to come to the group, but was having problems getting his posting
    through to the board. Can people who can't afford testing use this ide=
a as
    a rough proxy to determine if they've got fungi in their tea? It would=

    Chris Reid

    -----Original Message-----
> From: anthony []
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 2:21 AM
> To: chriscreid
> Subject: Re: Compost Tea Best Practices - Ingredients INPUT REQUESTED
> ---
> Chris
> I had similar thoughts about the whole thing about fungi surviving
> not only the brewing process but the application as well. So i
> decided upon some test. I call it POST BREW ACTIVATION OF FUNGI (well
> i have now:). I wanted an inert substance as to eliminate other
> fungal sources, so i didnt go for an organic material like wood
> chips - i got some fresh perlite - clay that has been cooked until it
> epands to form a honeycomb structure, its used in the potting game-
> im sure you all know it. Perlite is completely sterile and i thought
> that its porous structure would make the perfect fungal hotel. Like
> the pre-activation process, all i did was added some flour to the
> perlite, mixed it well so all of the particles were completely
> covered in the flour then after my brew cycle just drenched the stuff
> in tea. Then i put it in the incubator for a couple of days, sprayed
> a bit of diluted fulvic/kelp mix on it nightly to keep it moist and
> hey presto- you could see the hyphae. Havent done it for a while as
> it was all the proof i needed that the fungi gr ow relatively easily.
> I will do another soon soon and post some pics.
> cya
> Anthony

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Received on Mon Dec 15 2003 - 08:01:19 EST

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