[compost_tea] Re: Soil Soup

From: Kirk Leonard <kirk_at_oregonatural.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 12:14:36 -0800

Jonny, et al -- Doc E's reply on SS bioblenders was good on bio info but
there is another underlying problem with the machine she didn't mention.
It's nothing more than a long-necked, expensive, energy-inefficient, plastic
water pump which adds no air in making tea. Don't buy one unless all you
want to make is a stirred, nutrient-type tea for soil drenches. All it does
is stir water. You can make a better stirred tea by hand in an hour and
save a bunch of electricity.

Their "soil soup kitchens" in retail nurseries are also bogus compost tea
representations, btw. There's no compost there, how could it be compost
tea? It's just their nutrient solution pumped around with a spiffy control
and delivery system. Decent nutrient/mineral tea, maybe, not aerated
compost tea, not even close.

Late reply, sorry. Been thinking about USNOP.

Fascism? Nazis? This thread seems way out of whack, inappropriate and
irrelevant, too. If you want to get political, call your congressperson and
ask what USDA's problem with compost tea is. Please, let's not be whacking
each other senselessly... USDA is acting like economic fascists but nobody
here has, imo.

-- Kirk

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